Create a Private/Public Key Pair with Certificate Generator

Information on how to use the Certificate Generator application to create public and private keypairs.

Date Entered: 8/17/2015    Last Updated: 8/17/2015

Some data sources require an SSL certificate to authenticate your machine as a trusted party for connections. You can use a tool such as OpenSSL to generate the certificate, or you can follow these steps to use the CData Certificate Generator application. You need to have Java installed on your machine to use the Certificate Generator.

  1. Download and run the Certificate Generator Application with a command like the following:

    java -jar C:\Users\YourUser\Downloads\certgen.jar
  2. Enter the subject fields. You are only required to fill out either the Common Name or the Organization fields. Here is a list of the subject fields:
    • Common Name: Fully qualified hostname of the server or full name of person administrating certificate.
    • Organization: Legal name of your organization.
    • Organizational Unit: Used to identify a specific division in your organization.
    • Email Address: The email address of the certificate administrator.
    • Country: The X.500 two letter country/region code for the country where the organization resides (US = United States, CA = Canada, etc.).
    • State/Province: The state or province where the organization resides.
    • City/Locality: The city where the organization resides.
  3. Specify where the application will save the public and private key files onto your machine. The standard filetype for public keys is .cer, and for private keys it's .pfx.
  4. After specifying a password and a unique serial number for your certificate, click Create Certificate.

After you have generated the SSL certificate, you will need to upload the public key to the server for your data source. You are then ready to connect. See your driver's help documentation for a guide to using SSL client authentication to connect to your data source.

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