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Azure Table Connectivity Solutions

DataBind Wijmo Grid to Azure Table Data

Provide real-time Azure Table data to interactive controls.

The API Server, when paired with the ADO.NET Provider for Azure Table (or any of 200+ other ADO.NET Providers), provides Azure Table data as Web services, which enable connectivity to live data. This article shows how to consume JSONP-formatted Azure Table data from a Wijmo Grid.

Set Up the API Server

Follow the steps below to begin producing secure Azure Table OData services:


The API Server runs on your own server. On Windows, you can deploy using the stand-alone server or IIS. On a Java servlet container, drop in the API Server WAR file. See the help documentation for more information and how-tos.

The API Server is also easy to deploy on Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2, and Heroku.

Connect to Azure Table

After you deploy the API Server and the ADO.NET Provider for Azure Table, provide authentication values and other connection properties needed to connect to Azure Table by clicking Settings -> Connections and adding a new connection in the API Server administration console.

Specify your AccessKey and your Account to connect. Set the Account property to the Storage Account Name and set AccessKey to one of the Access Keys. Either the Primary or Secondary Access Keys can be used. To obtain these values, navigate to the Storage Accounts blade in the Azure portal. You can obtain the access key by selecting your account and clicking Access Keys in the Settings section.

You can then choose the Azure Table entities you want to allow the API Server to access by clicking Settings -> Resources. This article uses NorthwindProducts as an example.

Authorize API Server Users

After determining the OData services you want to produce, authorize users by clicking Settings -> Users. The API Server uses authtoken-based authentication and supports the major authentication schemes. Access can also be restricted based on IP address; by default only connections to the local machine are allowed. You can authenticate as well as encrypt connections with SSL.

Create a Real-Time Grid

Follow the steps below to consume Azure Table data from the Wijmo JavaScript controls:

  1. Load the required Wijmo, jQuery, and Knockout libraries:
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <!--Wijmo Widgets CSS-->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <!--Wijmo Widgets JavaScript-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <!--Knockout JS Library-->
    <!-- Both of the links below can work -->
    <script src=""></script> 
    <!--<script src=""></script>--> 
    <!--Wijmo Knockout Integration Library-->
    <script src=""></script>
  2. Create a ViewModel and connect to it using the ODataView. You will need to replace the placeholder values for the URL of the API Server, an API Server user, and the authtoken for that user.
    <script id="scriptInit">
    $.support.cors = true;
    var viewModel;
    function ViewModel() {
      var northwindproductsView = new"http://MyServer:MyPort/api.rsc/NorthwindProducts", {
      ajax: {
        dataType: "jsonp", 
        username: "MyUser",
        password: "MyAuthtoken",
        data: { "$inlinecount": null }
      pageSize: 10
      this.northwindproducts = northwindproductsView;
      this.prevPage = function () {northwindproductsView.prevPage();};
      this.nextPage = function () {northwindproductsView.nextPage();};
    $(document).ready(function () {
       viewModel = new ViewModel();
       ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $(".container").get(0));
  3. DataBind: Below is a simple table with some paging buttons, which you can paste into the body section of your markup.
    <h2>Connect to Live Azure Table Data in Real Time</h2>
      <button title="previous page" class="pagebuttons" data-bind="click: prevPage, button: {}"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-prev" /></button>
      <button title="next page" class="pagebuttons" data-bind="click: nextPage, button: {}"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-next" /></button>
    <table id="demo-grid" data-bind="wijgrid: { 
      data: northwindproducts, 
      showFilter: true, 
      allowPaging: true,
      pagerSettings: { position: 'none'},
      columnsAutogenerationMode: 'append',
    }" >

Below is the resulting grid. You can filter and sort through pages of Azure Table data.