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Add HubDB Data to Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog

Use the CData JDBC Driver for HubDB with the Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog to classify and organize data.

Informatica provides a powerful, elegant means of transporting and transforming your data. By utilizing the CData JDBC Driver for HubDB, you are gaining access to a driver based on industry-proven standards that integrates seamlessly with Informatica's Enterprise Data Catalog. This tutorial shows how to classify and organize HubDB data across any environment.

Load the JDBC Driver

To load the JDBC Driver:

  1. Install the JDBC Driver on the host running Informatica. For this article, it is assumed that the driver was installed into cdata.jdbc.hubdb.HubDBDriver.
  2. $ java -jar setup.jar
  3. Navigate to the JDBC install directory and create a zip file called containing the driver and its license file.
  4. $ cd ~/cdata-jdbc-driver-for-hubdb/lib $ zip cdata.jdbc.hubdb.jar cdata.jdbc.hubdb.lic
  5. Move the file into the Catalog Service directory within Informatica. For this article, it is assumed that Informatica is installed into /opt/informatica. Working in this folder will probably require root permissions, so make sure to su or sudo to root before continuing.
  6. # mv /opt/informatica/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries
  7. Edit the custom deployment configuration to unpack the zip file.
  8. # cd /opt/informatica/services/CatalogService/ScannerBinaries/CustomDeployer/ # nano scannerDeployer.xml

    After unpacking the existing ExecutionContextProperty nodes, add a new ExecutionContextProperty node with this content.

    <ExecutionContextProperty isLocationProperty="true" dependencyToUnpack=""> <PropertyName>JDBCScanner_DriverLocation</PropertyName> <PropertyValue>scanner_miti/genericJDBC/Drivers</PropertyValue> </ExecutionContextProperty>
  9. Refresh the Catalog Service from the Admin console.

Configure the JDBC Resource

To configure the JDBC resource:

  1. Open the Catalog administrator and add a new JDBC resource with the following properties:
    • Driver Class: cdata.jdbc.hubdb.HubDBDriver
    • URL: jdbc.hubdb:AuthScheme=OAuth;OAuthClientID=MyOAuthClientID;OAuthClientSecret=MyOAuthClientSecret;CallbackURL=http://localhost:33333;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;
    • There are two authentication methods available for connecting to HubDB data source: OAuth Authentication with a public HubSpot application and authentication with a Private application token.

      Using a Custom OAuth App

      AuthScheme must be set to "OAuth" in all OAuth flows. Be sure to review the Help documentation for the required connection properties for you specific authentication needs (desktop applications, web applications, and headless machines).

      Follow the steps below to register an application and obtain the OAuth client credentials:

      1. Log into your HubSpot app developer account.
        • Note that it must be an app developer account. Standard HubSpot accounts cannot create public apps.
      2. On the developer account home page, click the Apps tab.
      3. Click Create app.
      4. On the App info tab, enter and optionally modify values that are displayed to users when they connect. These values include the public application name, application logo, and a description of the application.
      5. On the Auth tab, supply a callback URL in the "Redirect URLs" box.
        • If you're creating a desktop application, set this to a locally accessible URL like http://localhost:33333.
        • If you are creating a Web application, set this to a trusted URL where you want users to be redirected to when they authorize your application.
      6. Click Create App. HubSpot then generates the application, along with its associated credentials.
      7. On the Auth tab, note the Client ID and Client secret. You will use these later to configure the driver.
      8. Under Scopes, select any scopes you need for your application's intended functionality.

        A minimum of the following scopes is required to access tables:

        • hubdb
        • oauth
      9. Click Save changes.
      10. Install the application into a production portal with access to the features that are required by the integration.
        • Under "Install URL (OAuth)", click Copy full URL to copy the installation URL for your application.
        • Navigate to the copied link in your browser. Select a standard account in which to install the application.
        • Click Connect app. You can close the resulting tab.

      Using a Private App

      To connect using a HubSpot private application token, set the AuthScheme property to "PrivateApp."

      You can generate a private application token by following the steps below:

      1. In your HubDB account, click the settings icon (the gear) in the main navigation bar.
      2. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Private Apps.
      3. Click Create private app.
      4. On the Basic Info tab, configure the details of your application (name, logo, and description).
      5. On the Scopes tab, select Read or Write for each scope you want your private application to be able to access.
      6. A minimum of hubdb and is required to access tables.
      7. After you are done configuring your application, click Create app in the top right.
      8. Review the info about your application's access token, click Continue creating, and then Show token.
      9. Click Copy to copy the private application token.

      To connect, set PrivateAppToken to the private application token you retrieved.

      Built-In Connection String Designer

      For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the HubDB JDBC Driver. Either double-click the .jar file or execute the .jar file from the command-line.

      java -jar cdata.jdbc.hubdb.jar

      Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

      When you configure the JDBC URL, you may also want to set the Max Rows connection property. This will limit the number of rows returned, which is especially helpful for improving performance when designing reports and visualizations.

    Typical additional connection string properties follow:

  2. Username: user
  3. Password: password
  4. Note that the Username and Password properties are required, even if the driver you are using does not require them. In those cases, you can enter a placeholder value instead.

  5. Configure the metadata options to perform at least one source metadata scan. This scan uses the driver to determine what tables, views, and stored procedures are available through the service.
    • Source Metadata: Enable this option.
    • Catalog: Set this to the appropriate catalog for multi-catalog data sources. Otherwise, set this to CData.
    • Schema: Set this to the appropriate schema for multi-schema data sources. Otherwise, set this to the name of the service (for example, Couchbase).
    • Case-sensitivity: Generally this option should be disabled. Enable it only for data sources which are case-sensitive.
    • Import stored procedures: Enable this if you want to import stored procedure definitions in addition to tables and views.

    Other metadata scanners may be enabled as desired.

  6. Complete the driver configuration, optionally configuring custom attributes and a scanner schedule.
  7. Perform the metadata scan by navigating to the Monitoring tab and clicking Run. Depending upon the data source, this may takes a few minutes.

When the scan is complete, a summary of all of the metadata objects is displayed along with the status of the Metadata Load job. If any errors occur, you can open the Log Location link for the job to see the errors reported by Informatica or the driver.

Validate the Discovered Metadata

Open the Catalog Service browser to view the metadata extracted from the data source. Depending upon the options you selected when configuring the metadata scanner, you may see any combination of tables, views, and stored procedures for the resource you defined.