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How to connect to HubDB Data with Squirrel SQL client

Connect to HubDB data and execute queries in the Squirrel SQL Client.

The CData JDBC Driver for HubDB enables you to execute queries to HubDB data in tools like Squirrel SQL Client. In this article, you will create a JDBC data source for HubDB data and execute queries.

Add the JDBC Driver for HubDB

Follow the steps below to add the driver JAR.

  1. In Squirrel SQL, click Windows -> View Drivers.
  2. Click the plus icon to open the Add Driver wizard.
  3. In the Name box, enter a user-friendly name for the driver; for example, CData JDBC Driver for HubDB.
  4. In the Example URL box, enter jdbc:hubdb:
  5. In the Extra Class Path tab, click Add.
  6. In the file explorer dialog that opens, select the JAR file for the driver, located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory.
  7. Click List Drivers to populate the Class Name menu with the class name for the driver, cdata.jdbc.hubdb.HubDBDriver.

Define Connection Properties

Follow the steps below to save connection properties in the driver alias.

  1. Click Windows -> View Aliases.
  2. In the pane that lists the aliases, click the plus icon.
  3. In the Add Alias wizard that opens, the following fields are required for the JDBC driver:

    • Name: Enter a name for the alias; for example, CData HubDB Source.
    • Driver: Select the CData JDBC Driver for HubDB.
    • URL: Enter jdbc:hubdb:
  4. If you want to define any additional properties, click Properties.
  5. In the Driver properties tab of the dialog that appears, select the Use driver properties checkbox.
  6. In the Specify column, select the checkboxes for the required connection properties.

    There are two authentication methods available for connecting to HubDB data source: OAuth Authentication with a public HubSpot application and authentication with a Private application token.

    Using a Custom OAuth App

    AuthScheme must be set to "OAuth" in all OAuth flows. Be sure to review the Help documentation for the required connection properties for you specific authentication needs (desktop applications, web applications, and headless machines).

    Follow the steps below to register an application and obtain the OAuth client credentials:

    1. Log into your HubSpot app developer account.
      • Note that it must be an app developer account. Standard HubSpot accounts cannot create public apps.
    2. On the developer account home page, click the Apps tab.
    3. Click Create app.
    4. On the App info tab, enter and optionally modify values that are displayed to users when they connect. These values include the public application name, application logo, and a description of the application.
    5. On the Auth tab, supply a callback URL in the "Redirect URLs" box.
      • If you're creating a desktop application, set this to a locally accessible URL like http://localhost:33333.
      • If you are creating a Web application, set this to a trusted URL where you want users to be redirected to when they authorize your application.
    6. Click Create App. HubSpot then generates the application, along with its associated credentials.
    7. On the Auth tab, note the Client ID and Client secret. You will use these later to configure the driver.
    8. Under Scopes, select any scopes you need for your application's intended functionality.

      A minimum of the following scopes is required to access tables:

      • hubdb
      • oauth
    9. Click Save changes.
    10. Install the application into a production portal with access to the features that are required by the integration.
      • Under "Install URL (OAuth)", click Copy full URL to copy the installation URL for your application.
      • Navigate to the copied link in your browser. Select a standard account in which to install the application.
      • Click Connect app. You can close the resulting tab.

    Using a Private App

    To connect using a HubSpot private application token, set the AuthScheme property to "PrivateApp."

    You can generate a private application token by following the steps below:

    1. In your HubDB account, click the settings icon (the gear) in the main navigation bar.
    2. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > Private Apps.
    3. Click Create private app.
    4. On the Basic Info tab, configure the details of your application (name, logo, and description).
    5. On the Scopes tab, select Read or Write for each scope you want your private application to be able to access.
    6. A minimum of hubdb and is required to access tables.
    7. After you are done configuring your application, click Create app in the top right.
    8. Review the info about your application's access token, click Continue creating, and then Show token.
    9. Click Copy to copy the private application token.

    To connect, set PrivateAppToken to the private application token you retrieved.

    Below is a typical connection string:

  7. In the dialog that appears after you click OK, click connect to test the connection.

Discover Schemas and Query HubDB Data

After the metadata has loaded, a new tab for the HubDB data source is displayed. On the Objects subtab, you can discover schema information, such as the available tables and views.

To view table data, select the table on the Objects tab. The table data is then loaded in a grid on the Content tab.

To execute an SQL query, enter the query on the SQL tab and then click Run SQL (the runner icon). For example:

SELECT PartitionKey, Name FROM NorthwindProducts WHERE Id = '1'