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CData Connect Server

Query Invoiced Data as a SQL Server in Node.js

Execute SQL Server queries against Invoiced data from Node.js.

You can use CData Connect Server to query Invoiced data through a SQL Server interface. Follow the procedure below to create a virtual database for Invoiced in Connect Server and start querying using Node.js.

CData Connect Server provides a pure SQL Server interface for Invoiced, allowing you to easily build reports from live Invoiced data in Node.js — without replicating the data to a natively supported database. As you build visualizations, Node.js generates SQL queries to gather data. Using optimized data processing out of the box, CData Connect Server pushes all supported SQL operations (filters, JOINs, etc) directly to Invoiced, leveraging server-side processing to quickly return the requested Invoiced data.

Create a Virtual SQL Server Database for Invoiced Data

CData Connect Server uses a straightforward, point-and-click interface to connect to data sources and generate APIs.

  1. Login to Connect Server and click Connections.
  2. Select "Invoiced" from Available Data Sources.
  3. Enter the necessary authentication properties to connect to Invoiced.

    Start by setting the Profile connection property to the location of the Invoiced Profile on disk (e.g. C:\profiles\Invoiced.apip). Next, set the ProfileSettings connection property to the connection string for Invoiced (see below).

    Invoiced API Profile Settings

    In order to authenticate to Invoiced, you'll need to provide your API Key. An API key can be obtained by signing in to your account, and then going to Settings > Developers > API Keys. Set the API Key in the ProfileSettings property to connect.

  4. Click Save Changes
  5. Click Privileges -> Add and add the new user (or an existing user) with the appropriate permissions.

With the virtual database created, you are ready to connect to Invoiced data from Node.js.

Query Invoiced from Node.js

The following example shows how to define a connection and execute queries to Invoiced with the SQL Server module. You will need the following information:

  • Host name, or address, and port: The address of your Connect Server instance and the port (1433)
  • Username and password: The username and password of a user you authorized on Connect Server
  • Database name: The database you configured for Invoiced (API1)

Connect to Invoiced data and start executing queries with the code below:

const sql = require('mssql');

const config = {
    user: 'your_connect_username', 
    password: 'your_connect_password', 
    server: 'connect_server_url', 
    port: 1433, // optional, defaults to 1433
    database: 'API1',
    authentication: {
        type: 'default'
    options: {
        encrypt: true


async function connectAndQuery() {
    try {
        var poolConnection = await sql.connect(config);

        console.log("Reading rows from the table...");
        var resultSet = await poolConnection.request().query(`SELECT * FROM table_name`);

        console.log(`${resultSet.recordset.length} rows returned.`);

        // output column headers
        var columns = "";
        for (var column in resultSet.recordset.columns) {
            columns += column + ", ";
        console.log("%s	", columns.substring(0, columns.length - 2));

        // ouput row contents from default record set
        resultSet.recordset.forEach(row => {
            console.log("%s	%s", row.CategoryName, row.ProductName);

        // close connection only when we're certain application is finished
    } catch (err) {

SQL Server Access to Invoiced Data from Node.js

You have retrieved live Invoiced Data using Node.js. Now, you can easily access data sources and more — all without replicating Invoiced data.

To get SQL data access to 200+ SaaS, Big Data, and NoSQL sources directly from your applications, try CData Connect Server.