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DataBind SAP Ariba Source Data to the DevExpress Data Grid

Use the CData ADO.NET Provider for SAP Ariba Source with the DevExpress Windows Forms and Web controls to provide SAP Ariba Source data to a chart.

The ADO.NET Provider for SAP Ariba Source by CData incorporates conventional ADO.NET data access components compatible with third-party controls. You can adhere to the standard ADO.NET data binding procedures to establish two-way access to real-time data through UI controls. This article will demonstrate the utilization of CData components for data binding with DevExpress UI Controls (Windows Forms and Web controls), specifically binding to a chart that visualizes live data.

In order to connect with SAP Ariba Source, set the following:

  • API: Specify which API you would like the provider to retrieve SAP Ariba data from. Select the Supplier, Sourcing Project Management, or Contract API based on your business role (possible values are SupplierDataAPIWithPaginationV4, SourcingProjectManagementAPIV2, or ContractAPIV1).
  • DataCenter: The data center where your account's data is hosted.
  • Realm: The name of the site you want to access.
  • Environment: Indicate whether you are connecting to a test or production environment (possible values are TEST or PRODUCTION).

If you are connecting to the Supplier Data API or the Contract API, additionally set the following:

  • User: Id of the user on whose behalf API calls are invoked.
  • PasswordAdapter: The password associated with the authenticating User.

If you're connecting to the Supplier API, set ProjectId to the Id of the sourcing project you want to retrieve data from.

Authenticating with OAuth

After setting connection properties, you need to configure OAuth connectivity to authenticate.

  • Set AuthScheme to OAuthClient.
  • Register an application with the service to obtain the APIKey, OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret.

    For more information on creating an OAuth application, refer to the Help documentation.

Automatic OAuth

After setting the following, you are ready to connect:

    APIKey: The Application key in your app settings. OAuthClientId: The OAuth Client Id in your app settings. OAuthClientSecret: The OAuth Secret in your app settings.

When you connect, the provider automatically completes the OAuth process:

  1. The provider obtains an access token from SAP Ariba and uses it to request data.
  2. The provider refreshes the access token automatically when it expires.
  3. The OAuth values are saved in memory relative to the location specified in OAuthSettingsLocation.

Windows Forms Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress chart with SAP Ariba Source data. The SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart control. The Diagram property of the control defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using (SAPAribaSourceConnection connection = new SAPAribaSourceConnection( "API=SupplierDataAPIWithPagination-V4;APIKey=wWVLn7WTAXrIRMAzZ6VnuEj7Ekot5jnU;Environment=SANDBOX;Realm=testRealm;AuthScheme=OAuthClient;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH")) { SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter( "SELECT SMVendorID, Category FROM Vendors WHERE Region = 'USA'", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series(); chartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Category" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "SMVendorID"; series.ValueScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Numerical; chartControl1.Legend.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }

Web Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress Web control with SAP Ariba Source data. The SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart; the Diagram property defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using DevExpress.XtraCharts; using (SAPAribaSourceConnection connection = new SAPAribaSourceConnection( "API=SupplierDataAPIWithPagination-V4;APIKey=wWVLn7WTAXrIRMAzZ6VnuEj7Ekot5jnU;Environment=SANDBOX;Realm=testRealm;AuthScheme=OAuthClient;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH")) { SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter1 = new SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter("SELECT SMVendorID, Category FROM Vendors WHERE Region = 'USA'", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); SAPAribaSourceDataAdapter1.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new Series("Series1", ViewType.Bar); WebChartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Category" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "SMVendorID"; series.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }