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Provides Java developers with the power to easily connect their Web, Desktop, and Mobile applications to data in SharePoint Server Lists, Contacts, Calendar, Links, Tasks, and more!

Connect to SharePoint Data in CloverDX (formerly CloverETL)

Transfer SharePoint data using the visual workflow in the CloverDX data integration tool.

The CData JDBC Driver for SharePoint enables you to use the data transformation components in CloverDX (formerly CloverETL) to work with SharePoint as sources and destinations. In this article, you will use the JDBC Driver for SharePoint to set up a simple transfer into a flat file. The CData JDBC Driver for SharePoint enables you to use the data transformation components in CloverDX (formerly CloverETL) to work with SharePoint as sources and destinations. In this article, you will use the JDBC Driver for SharePoint to set up a simple transfer into a flat file.

Connect to SharePoint as a JDBC Data Source

  1. Create the connection to SharePoint data. In a new CloverDX graph, right-click the Connections node in the Outline pane and click Connections -> Create Connection. The Database Connection wizard is displayed.
  2. Click the plus icon to load a driver from a JAR. Browse to the lib subfolder of the installation directory and select the cdata.jdbc.sharepoint.jar file.
  3. Enter the JDBC URL.

    Set the URL property to the base SharePoint site or to a sub-site. This allows you to query any lists and other SharePoint entities defined for the site or sub-site.

    The User and Password properties, under the Authentication section, must be set to valid SharePoint user credentials when using SharePoint On-Premise.

    If you are connecting to SharePoint Online, set the SharePointEdition to SHAREPOINTONLINE along with the User and Password connection string properties. For more details on connecting to SharePoint Online, see the "Getting Started" chapter of the help documentation

    Built-in Connection String Designer

    For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the SharePoint JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

    java -jar cdata.jdbc.sharepoint.jar

    Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

    A typical JDBC URL is below:

    jdbc:sharepoint:User=myuseraccount;Password=mypassword;Auth Scheme=NTLM;URL=http://sharepointserver/mysite;SharePointEdition=SharePointOnPremise;

Query SharePoint Data with the DBInputTable Component

  1. Drag a DBInputTable from the Readers selection of the Palette onto the job flow and double-click it to open the configuration editor.
  2. In the DB connection property, select the SharePoint JDBC data source from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the SQL query. For example: SELECT Name, Revenue FROM MyCustomList

Write the Output of the Query to a UniversalDataWriter

  1. Drag a UniversalDataWriter from the Writers selection onto the jobflow.
  2. Double-click the UniversalDataWriter to open the configuration editor and add a file URL.
  3. Right-click the DBInputTable and then click Extract Metadata.
  4. Connect the output port of the DBInputTable to the UniversalDataWriter.
  5. In the resulting Select Metadata menu for the UniversalDataWriter, choose the MyCustomList table. (You can also open this menu by right-clicking the input port for the UniversalDataWriter.)
  6. Click Run to write to the file.