Import Salesforce Data into Google Spreadsheets

The CData API Server offers standards-based Web service endpoints what allow a variety of applications to get data from Salesforce. This article shows how to use the CSV format to import Salesforce data into a Google Spreadsheet.

  1. If you have not already connected successfully in the administration console, see the "Getting Started" chapter in the help documentation for a guide.
  2. Authenticate your query with the authtoken of a user authorized to access the OData endpoint of the API Server. Append the authtoken to the URL. OData queries, such filters, order-bys, etc. can be specified in the URL. See the APIs page in the help documentation for some example queries.
  3. In a new Google sheet, use the =ImportData() formula to request the CSV file from the exposed data source. This example requests the entire Account table. Google will periodically update the results of the formula, ensuring that the sheet contains up-to-date data. You can use a formula like the one below:
