Changelog: Driver Update 2024.2

Review the driver-specific changes from the 2024.2 CData Driver release.

Date Entered: 12/20/2024    Last Updated: 12/20/2024

Date Build Number Provider Change Type Description Breaking Change
12/10/2024 9110 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added the AttributeGroup and AttributePath columns to the ListingsItemsAttributes table in both the SellerCentral and VendorCentral schemas.
12/10/2024 9110 ProviderSlack Added
  • Added a view: TeamAccessLogs. This view can be accessed by users who are workspace administrators.
12/09/2024 9109 ProviderMonday Removed
  • The OAuthRefreshToken output parameter has been removed from the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure because the API does not support refresh tokens. The access token has an infinite lifetime.
12/09/2024 9109 ProviderSalesforce Added
  • Added the PKCEVerifier output field to the GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl and GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedures. This output contains an auto-generated PKCE Verifier.
12/09/2024 9109 ProviderSingleStore Added
  • Added CIS support for pushing basic mathematical functions to the server for *, /, +, and -.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderActiveCampaign Added
  • Added UserId as a foreign key for the Automations and Campaigns views.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderActiveCampaign Changed
  • Changed the Id column to serve as the primary key for the following views: Addresses, Automations, ContactAutomations, Scores, and Users.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added the ContainerId column for the following views: Attachemnts, BlogPosts, and Comments.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderDocuSign Added
  • Added support for the following views: BillingInvoices, BillingPayments, BillingPlans, and CloudStorage.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderServiceNow Added
  • Added the UseDisplayColumnNames connection property. When this property is set to True, the driver exposes columns by their display (GUI) names instead of their API names.
12/06/2024 9106 ProviderWordpress Added
  • Added the OAuthClient AuthScheme.
12/05/2024 9105 ProviderCommonDataService Added
  • Exposed the IncludeLookUpLogicalName connection property. This property was previously hidden and is inherited from D365.
12/05/2024 9105 ProviderOutreach Changed
  • Changed the data type to datetime for the data column, because the API returns data in this format.
12/05/2024 9105 ProviderSalesforceMarketingCloud Changed
  • Changed the Id, SubcriberKey, and Client_Id columns to primary keys in the Subscriber table.
12/05/2024 9105 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added support for chunked file uploads in the SOAP Data Model UploadDocument stored procedure.
12/04/2024 9104 ProviderMagento Added
  • Added the CanDeleteCustomer and CanDeleteCustomerGroup stored procedures.
12/03/2024 9103 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added support for OAuth 2.0 Code Grant Type.
12/03/2024 9103 ProviderZohoBooks Added
  • Added region property values to support the following Zoho apps:
    • ZohoBooks: China, Canada, Saudi Arabia
    • ZohoCreator: Canada, Saudi Arabia
    • Zoho Inventory: China, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia
    • ZohoCRM: Canada
12/02/2024 9102 ProviderCommonDataService Changed
  • Fixed an issue where some write-only columns were reported as read-only in the Entities schema.
12/02/2024 9102 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added the Comments view to the REST schema.
11/29/2024 9099 ProviderExact Added
  • Added the AssemblyBillOfMaterialHeader and AssemblyBillOfMaterialMaterials tables.
11/29/2024 9099 ProviderOracleERP Added
  • Added the following stored procedures to the Financials Data Model: CreateERPIntegrationsJob, UploadReceivablesCreditMemosAttachment, UploadReceivablesInvoicesAttachment, UploadReceivablesInvoicesNote, and UploadStandardReceiptsAttachment.
  • Added the following stored procedures to the Procurement Data Model: DeleteDraftPurchaseOrdersLinesAttachment, DeletePurchaseRequisitionsAttachment, UpdateDraftPurchaseOrdersLinesAttachment, UploadPurchaseRequisitionsAttachment, and UploadDraftPurchaseOrdersLinesAttachment.
  • Added support for create, update, and delete operations for the following entities in the Financials Data Model: InvoicesinvoiceDff, InvoicesinvoiceInstallments, InvoicesinvoiceLines, InvoicesinvoiceLinesinvoiceDistributions, ReceivablesCreditMemos, StandardReceipts, and ApprovedSupplierListSourceDocuments. UniqId columns were also added to these entities where supported by the schema.
  • Added support for create, update, and delete operations for the following entities in the Procurement Data Model: ApprovedSupplierListSourceDocumentsDFF, DraftPurchaseOrderslinesschedules, PurchaseRequisitionslines, Suppliersaddresses, and Supplierscontacts. UniqId columns were also added to these entities where supported by the schema.
11/28/2024 9098 ProviderOutreach Changed
  • Changed the data type of the TouchedAt column from string to datetime in the Accounts and Opportunities views to enable proper usage of comparison operators.
  • Changed the data type of the EngagedAt column from string to datetime in the Prospects view to enable proper usage of comparison operators.
11/27/2024 9097 ProviderDocuSign Added
  • Added HasSubFolders and ItemCount columns to the Folders view.
  • Added IsSealSignTab, ScaleValue, and StampType columns to the RecipientTabs view.
  • Added Agents, CarbonCopies, CertifiedDeliveries, and other columns to the Recipients view.
  • Added Company, FirstName, IsAlternateAdmin, LastName, and MiddleName columns to the Users view.
  • Added DisallowUserResizeStamp, Initials150ImageId, NrdsId, and other columns to the UserSignatures view.
  • Added BrandLanguages, Colors, DefaultBrandLanguage, and other columns to the AccountBrands and GroupBrands views.
  • Added AddedRecipientIds, AvailableDocumentTypes, TemplateLocked, and TemplateRequired columns to the Documents view.
  • Added CopyRequestEmail, Custom, LanguageCode, and UseConsumerDisclosureWithinAccount columns to the EnvelopeConsumerDisclosures view.
  • Added ConnectPermission, DistributorCode, DocuSignLandingUrl, ForgottenPasswordQuestionsCount, SeatsAllowed, SeatsInUse, SuspensionDate, and SuspensionStatus columns to the Accounts view.
11/27/2024 9097 ProviderOracleEloqua Changed
  • Changed the custom table name to CustomObjects in ProviderOracleEloqua.
11/27/2024 9097 ProviderOutreach Removed
  • Removed MailboxId, ProfileId, RecipientsId, RoleId, TeamsId, and UpdaterId from the UserDuties view. These are non-functional input parameters added to the RSD.
11/27/2024 9097 ProviderSAPByDesign Changed
  • Changed the default ServiceType to AnalyticsService.
11/27/2024 9097 ProviderSAPByDesign Removed
  • Removed the None option because it is not a valid service type.
11/26/2024 9096 ProviderDynamics365 Changed
  • Exposed the MinimumColumnSize connection property.
11/26/2024 9096 ProviderVeevaVault Added
  • Added a new SSO AuthScheme: OKTA.
11/25/2024 9095 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added the AddressName column to the InboundPlan table in the SellerCentral schema.
11/22/2024 9092 ProviderExact Added
  • Added support for Sync API endpoints for the following views when UseSyncAPI is set to true: Employees, EmploymentContracts, EmploymentOrganizations, Employments, and EmploymentSalaries.
  • Added the following views: EmploymentCLAs, EmploymentTaxAuthoritiesGeneral, and PayrollBankAccounts.
11/22/2024 9092 ProviderJira Added
  • Added support for the SupportNativeDataType connection property.
11/22/2024 9092 ProviderOracleERP Added
  • Added the UploadInvoicesAttachment and DeleteInvoicesAttachment stored procedures to the Financials Data Model.
  • Added the UploadSuppliersAttachment, UpdateSuppliersAttachment, and DeleteSuppliersAttachment stored procedures to the Procurement Data Model.
  • Added support for create, update, and delete operations for the following entities: ExpenseReports, Expenses, Invoices, ReceivablesInvoices, TaxRegistrations, DraftPurchaseOrders, PurchaseRequisitions, and Suppliers.
  • Added UniqId columns to the following entities, where supported by the schema: ExpenseReports, Expenses, Invoices, ReceivablesInvoices, TaxRegistrations, DraftPurchaseOrders, PurchaseRequisitions, and Suppliers.
11/21/2024 9091 ProviderJira Added
  • Added support for OAuth 2.0 Code Grant Type authentication to Jira Data Center instances.
11/21/2024 9091 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added a new view, ListItems, to the SharePoint REST schema. It includes the most common fields found across various SharePoint lists.
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • SellerCentral schema:
    • Added support for Stores column in InventorySupply table.
    • Added support for AmazonPrograms column in Orders table.
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderApacheKafka Added
  • Added support for Google Managed Service. For information on how to authenticate to Google Managed Service, see "Establishing a Connection."
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderBox Added
  • Added the SearchRootId mirrored column to the Folders, Files, Bookmarks table.
  • Added query slicer support for Bookmarks table on Id and ParentId columns.
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderMSProject Added
  • To the ODataV2 schema:
    • Support for 4 tables: EnterpriseProjectTypes, WorkflowActivity, WorkflowDesigner and EventHandlers.
    • The ability to dynamically retrieve navigation properties and expose them as Views.
    • Support for INSERT operation in 2 tables: Events and TimeSheetPeriods.
    • Support for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations in the ProjectDetailPages table.
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderMSProject Removed
  • From the ODataV2 schema:
    • Support for the following tables: Projects, Assignments, Tasks, TaskLinks, ProjetResources, and StageDetailPages. These tables were all replaced as described below.
11/20/2024 9090 ProviderMSProject Replaced
  • Within the ODataV2 schema:
    • The Projects table is replaced by 2 new tables: PublishedProjects (which supports INSERT and DELETE operations) and DraftProjects (which supports UPDATE operations).
    • The Assignments table is replaced with 2 new tables: PublishedAssingments (read-only) and DraftAssingments (which supports INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations).
    • The Tasks table is replaced by 2 new tables: PublishedTasks (read-only) and DraftTasks (which supports INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations).
    • The TaskLinks table is replaced with 2 new tables: PublishedTaskLinks (read-only) and DraftTaskLinks (which supports INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations).
    • ProjectResources is replaced with 2 new tables: PublishedProjectResources (read-only) and DraftProjectResources (which supports INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations).
    • StageDetailPages is replaced with 1 new table: StagesProjectDetailPages (which supports INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations).
11/19/2024 9089 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added support for the UPDATE operation in ListingsItems table.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added the UsersContentRestrictions and GroupsContentRestrictions views.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderGoogleAdsManager Added
  • Added the AdBadgingEnabled column to the Creatives table.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderGoogleAdsManager Changed
  • Changed the default API version from v202202 to v202408.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderRedshift Added
  • Added support for the following AWS regions: MALAYSIA, and ISOLATEDEUWEST.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderSAPHana Added
  • Added a new connection property, "SupportNativeDataType", that enables the data types to be identified as the same types that SAP Hana uses when retrieving metadata from a query or getting the metadata from the metadata functions.
11/18/2024 9088 ProviderVeevaVault Deprecated
  • Deprecated the AzureADOpenID AuthScheme property. Use the AzureAD AuthScheme property instead for better alignment with Azure AD authentication standards.
11/15/2024 9085 ProviderBox Added
  • Added query slicer support for Files table on ParentId column.
  • Added query slicer support for Folders table on Id and ParentId columns.
11/14/2024 9084 ProviderDatabricks Added
  • Added a new connection property, CheckSQLWarehouseAvailability, to specify whether the driver checks the availability of the SQL Warehouse. The default value is True, enabling the check by default.
11/14/2024 9084 ProviderHDFS Added
  • Added the Success output column to the DownloadFile stored procedure. This column indicates whether the operation completed successfully. Previously, there was no explicit confirmation when operations completed without errors.
11/14/2024 9084 ProviderMonday Added
  • Added the URL connection property. This property is specific to the AuditLogs schema.
11/14/2024 9084 ProviderMonday Deprecated
  • The Domain connection property is now deprecated in favor of the newly added URL property.
11/13/2024 9083 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added the PackingGroupId column to the InboundPackingGroupBoxes view. A filter on this column must be present to retrieve records from this table. You can find packing group IDs in the InboundPackingOptions table.
11/13/2024 9083 ProviderSalesLoft Added
  • Added support for bulk Upsert operations in the CalendarEvents table.
11/13/2024 9083 ProviderSalesLoft Removed
  • Removed support for Insert and Update operations in the CalendarEvents table.
11/13/2024 9083 ProviderSAPConcur Changed
  • TravelRequests has changed from a view to table (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are now supported).
11/13/2024 9083 ProviderSAPConcur Added
  • Added the TravelRequestComments and PurchaseRequests views.
  • Added the CreatePurchaseRequest stored procedure.
11/12/2024 9082 ProviderAvro Added
  • Added support for the following logical types: big-decimal, timestamp-nanos, local-timestamp-nanos, and uuid of type fixed.
11/12/2024 9082 ProviderYouTubeAnalytics Added
  • Added the AudienceRetention view.
11/11/2024 9081 ProviderAsana Added
  • Added the ResourceType column to the Tags table.
  • Added the CreatedAt column to the WorkspaceMembership table.
  • Added the RequestedRoles column to the ProjectTemplates view.
  • Added the ResourceSubtype column to the ProjectMembership table.
  • Added the IsLimitedAccess and IsAdmin columns to the TeamMembership table.
  • Added the CreatedById and CreatedByResourceType columns to the Tasks table.
  • Added the OrganizationResourceType and OrganizationName columns to the Teams table.
  • Added the following columns to the Attachments table: ResourceSubtype, PermanentURL, Size, and ConnectedToApp.
  • Added the following columns to the Events view: ChangeField, ChangeAction, ChangeNewValue, and ChangeRemovedValue.
  • Added the following columns to the SubTasks table: CreatedById, CreatedByResourceType, NumSubTasks, StartAt, ActualTimeMinutes, and AssigneeSection.
  • Added the following columns to the Portfolios table: CurrentStatusUpdateId, CurrentStatusUpdateResourceType, CurrentStatusUpdateTitle, CurrentStatusUpdateResourceSubtype, StartOn, Public, and ProjectTemplates.
  • Added the following columns to the Projects table: CurrentStatusUpdateId, CurrentStatusUpdateResourceType, CurrentStatusUpdateTitle, CurrentStatusUpdateResourceSubtype, ResourceType, DefaultAccessLevel, MinimumAccessLevelForCustomization, MinimumAccessLevelForSharing, Completed, CompletedAt, CompletedById, CompletedByResourceType, CompletedByName, Icon, ProjectBriefId, ProjectBriefResourceType, CreatedFromTemplateId, CreatedFromTemplateResourceType, and CreatedFromTemplateName.
  • Added the following columns to the Stories table: StickerName, Type, Previews, OldName, NewName, OldDatesStartOn, OldDatesDueAt, OldDatesDueOn, NewDatesStartOn, NewDatesDueAt, NewDatesDueOn, OldResourceSubtype, NewResourceSubtype, StoryId, StoryResourceType, StoryCreatedAt, StoryCreatedById, StoryCreatedByResourceType, StoryCreatedByName, StoryResourceSubtype, StoryText, AssigneeId, AssigneeResourceType, AssigneeName, FollowerId, FollowerResourceType, FollowerName, OldSectionId, OldSectionResourceType, OldSectionName, NewSectionId, NewSectionResourceType, NewSectionName, StoryTaskId, StoryTaskResourceType, StoryTaskName, TaskResourceSubtype, TaskCreatedById, TaskCreatedByResourceType, ProjectId, ProjectResourceType, ProjectName, TagId, TagResourceType, TagName, CustomField, OldTextValue, NewTextValue, OldNumberValue, NewNumberValue, OldEnumValue, NewEnumValue, OldDateValue, NewDateValue, OldPeopleValue, NewPeopleValue, OldMultiEnumValues, NewMultiEnumValues, NewApprovalStatus, OldApprovalStatus, and DuplicateOf.
11/11/2024 9081 ProviderJiraServiceDesk Added
  • Added a new column, ServiceDeskID, which is sent server-side as part of the URL path. If there is no value in the query, the driver is set to the value of the connection string.
11/08/2024 9078 ProviderApacheHive Added
  • Added a new option, ANONYMOUS, for the AuthScheme property. The ANONYMOUS authentication scheme utilizes Plain without requiring credentials.
11/08/2024 9078 ProviderDatabricks Changed
  • Deprecated the UseInsertSelectSyntax property.
11/08/2024 9078 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added a new column, ItemURL, to the Attachments view in the SharePoint REST schema. This column provides a link that allows users to open the attachment directly in their browser.
11/07/2024 9077 ProviderVeevaVault Added
  • Added 1 new column, OnBehalfOf, to the AuditHistory table.
11/07/2024 9077 ProviderVeevaVault Changed
  • Updated the default API version supported to 24.2.
11/06/2024 9076 ProviderBingAds Added
  • Added the DataExclusions, SeasonalityAdjustments, AssetGroups, AssetGroupsAssets, AdExtensions, AdExtensionAssets, and AdAssets views.
  • Added the CombinationRules, AdGroupId, CampaignId, EntityType, ProductAudienceType, RuleType, RuleNormalForm, RuleItemGroups, RuleAnotherRuleItemGroups, RuleExcludeRuleItemGroups, RuleIncludeRuleItemGroups, RuleActionOperator, RuleAction, RuleCategoryOperator, RuleCategory, RuleLabelOperator, RuleLabel, RuleValueOperator, RuleValue, and SourceId columns to the Audiences view.
11/06/2024 9076 ProviderDynamics365 Added
  • Added a new stored procedure, EnableChangeTracking. When EnableChangeTracking is set to true, sys_table displays the ChangeTrackingEnabled column.
11/06/2024 9076 ProviderExcel Added
  • Added the IncludeSubDirectories and DirectoryRetrievalDepth connection properties to enable access to files within sub-folders of the specified URI root folder.
11/06/2024 9076 ProviderGitHub Added
  • Added new tables:
    • Information schema: EnterpriseAdmins, EnterpriseAdminInvitations, EnterpriseMembers, EnterpriseUnaffiliatedMemberInvitations, and ProjectStatusUpdates.
    • Repository schema: Environments and IssuePullRequests.
    • Project schema: StatusUpdates. (Note: For write access, this table requires the scope of 'project' rather than 'read:project'.)
  • Added new columns (Information schema):
    • Enterprises table: AnnouncementCreatedAt, Readme, ReadmeHTML.
    • ItemsView table: FullDatabaseId.
    • Organizations table: AnnouncementCreatedAt.
    • OrganizationMembers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • OrganizationTeamMembers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • OrganizationTeamProjects: FullDatabaseId.
    • Projects table: FullDatabaseId.
    • ProjectViews table: FullDatabaseId.
    • Repositories table: PlanFeaturesCodeOwners, PlanFeaturesDraftPullRequests, PlanFeaturesMaximumAssignees, PlanFeaturesMaximumManualReviewRequests, and PlanFeaturesTeamReviewRequests.
  • Added new columns (Project schema):
    • ItemsView table: FullDatabaseId.
  • Added new columns (Repository schema):
    • AssignableUsers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • Collaborators table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • IssueAssignees table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • Issues table: ViewerCanLabel.
    • MentionableUsers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • PullRequests table: StatusCheckRollupId, StatusCheckRollupCommitId, StatusCheckRollupState, and ViewerCanLabel.
    • Stargazers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
    • Watchers table: CopilotEndpointApi, CopilotEndpointOriginTracker, CopilotEndpointProxy, and CopilotEndpointTelemetry.
11/06/2024 9076 ProviderGitHub Deprecated
  • Deprecated the DatabaseId column in the following tables:
    • Information schema: ProjectViews, Projects, OrganizationTeamProjects.
    • Project schema: ItemsView.
11/05/2024 9075 ProviderApacheKafka Changed
  • The driver is updated to support Confluent.Kafka library version 2.6.0. This library only supports versions of .NET that support .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework 4.6.1 and later, .NET Core 2.0 and later).
11/04/2024 9074 ProviderQBOnline Added
  • Added support for the stored procedure: CreateInventoryValuationDetailReport.
11/01/2024 9071 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added the InboundDeliveryWindowOptions, InboundItemComplianceDetails, InboundPackingOptions, InboundPlacementOptions, InboundPlan, InboundSelfShipAppointmentSlots, and InboundShipmentContentUpdatePreview tables.
  • Added the InboundDeliveryChallanDocument, InboundOperationStatus, InboundPackingGroupBoxes, InboundPackingGroupItems, InboundPlanBoxes, InboundPlanItems, InboundPlanPallets, InboundShipmentBoxes, InboundShipmentPallets, and InboundTransportationOptions views.
  • Added the CancelInboundPlan, CancelSelfShipAppointment, ConfirmDeliveryWindowOptions, ConfirmPackingOption, ConfirmPlacementOption, ConfirmShipmentContentUpdatePreview, ConfirmTransportationOptions, CreateMarketplaceItemLabels, CreateTransportationOption, ScheduleSelfShipAppointment, SetPackingInformation, and UpdateShipmentTrackingDetails stored procedures.
11/01/2024 9071 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Deprecated
  • Deprecated the InboundShipmentTransportDetails table.
  • Deprecated the InboundPreparationInstructions and InboundShipmentPreorders views.
  • Deprecated the ConfirmInboundShipmentPreorder, ConfirmInboundShipmentTransport, CreateInboundShipmentPlan, and EstimateInboundShipmentTransport stored procedures.
11/01/2024 9071 ProviderWorkday Removed
  • Removed support for the AuditLogs table. This table has been deprecated by Workday and is no longer supported.
  • Removed all tables and procedures related to the Application Attributes API.
10/31/2024 9070 ProviderAirtable Added
  • Added a new connection property, DisplayValue, which allows users to access data in a format that matches the UI. More details can be found in the property description.
10/31/2024 9070 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added a Description column to the Spaces view.
10/31/2024 9070 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added a new column, PrincipalType, to the Users view in the Rest schema. It defines the type of principal using bitwise values: None=0, User=1, Distribution List=2, Security Group=4, SharePoint Group=8, and All=15.
10/31/2024 9070 ProviderShopify Added
  • Added support for the API version 2024-04, which corresponds to two new schemas in Shopify (GraphQL-2024-04 and REST-2024-04).
10/30/2024 9069 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added an ItemURL column (which contains the resource's full URL) to 5 views: Attachments, BlogPosts, Comments, Pages, and Spaces.
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderAirtable Added
  • Added a Comments table for each base.
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderConfluence Added
  • Added the UserKey and UserName columns to the GroupMembers view for server instances.
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderConfluence Removed
  • Removed the Id column from the Groups view for server instances.
  • Removed the GroupId, Email, PublicName, AccountId, and AccountType columns from the GroupMembers view for server instances.
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderDRDA Added
  • Added Kerberos as a new authentication scheme in the AuthScheme connection property.
  • Added the KerberosKDC, KerberosUser, KerberosSPN, and KerberosKeytabFile connection properties.
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderExcel Added
  • Added a new connection property, StringDecode. When set to true, this property decodes hexacdeimal characters to their original non-printable control characters. (Default=false.)
10/29/2024 9068 ProviderJira Added
  • Added the ItemURL column to 3 tables: Comments, Issues, and Projects.
10/28/2024 9067 ProviderJiraServiceDesk Changed
  • The Requests table, which was previously limited to requests tied to the authenticated Jira Service Desk user, now shows all customer requests tied to the service desk whose ID is provided in the ServiceDeskID connection property, across all user accounts.
10/28/2024 9067 ProviderJiraServiceDesk Added
  • Added the MyRequests view, which behaves how the Requests table used to behave before this update.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderDatabricks Changed
  • Exposed the DefaultColumnSize connection property, which was previously hidden. Default value is 1048576.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderExcelOnline Added
  • The UseSearchAPI connection property allows the driver to set the endpoint for finding workbook files. By default, it is true, using the /search(q='.xls') endpoint for faster searches in large directories by listing relevant files. Setting it to false switches to the /children endpoint, retrieving all items, and enabling client-side filtering. This approach is helpful if the /search endpoint experiences issues in specific environments.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderSharePoint Added
  • Added the following support group name fields to the Groups view in the REST schema based on document reference: LoginName, Title, IsHiddenInUI, and PrincipalType.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderSlack Added
  • Added new AddProfilePhoto stored procedure to set the authenticated user's profile photo.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderSquare Added
  • Added columns to the following tables:
    • Cards: CardCoBrand, BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel2, BillingAddressAdministrativeDistrictLevel3, BillingAddressSubLocality2, BillingAddressSubLocality3.
    • CatalogCategories: CreatedAt, CategoryIsTopLevel, CatalogV1Ids
    • CatalogDiscounts: CreatedAt, CatalogV1Ids
    • CatalogImages: CreatedAt
    • CatalogItemVariations: CreatedAt, CatalogV1Ids, Channels
    • CatalogItems: CreatedAt, CatalogV1Ids, Channels, EcomAvailable, EcomImageURIs, EcomVisibility, IsTaxable, Visibility
    • CatalogModifierLists: CreatedAt, CatalogV1Ids
    • CatalogModifiers: CreatedAt, OnByDefault, Ordinal
    • CatalogTaxes: CreatedAt, CatalogV1Ids
    • Customers: CreationSource, GroupIds, Version, TaxIds
  • Added columns to the following views:
    • Locations: BusinessHours, Coordinates, MCC
    • Payments: ApplicationDetailsApplicationId, ApplicationDetailsSquareProduct, BuyNowPayLaterDetailsBrand, BuyNowAfterPayEmailAddress, and few others.
    • PayoutEntries: EffectiveAt, TypeAppFeeRevenueDetailsPaymentId, TypeAppFeeRevenueDetailsLocationId, TypeAppFeeRefundDetailsPaymentId, TypeAppFeeRefundDetailsLocationId, TypeAppFeeRefundDetailsRefundId, TypeAutomaticSavingsDetailsPaymentId, TypeAutomaticSavingsDetailsPayoutId, TypeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetailsPaymentId, TypeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetailsPayoutId, TypeDepositFeeDetailsPayoutId, TypeDisputeDetailsPaymentId, TypeDisputeDetailsDisputeId, TypeFeeDetailsPaymentId, TypeFreeProcessingDetailsPaymentId, TypeHoldAdjustmentDetailsPaymentId, TypeOpenDisputeDetailsPaymentId, TypeOpenDisputeDetailsDisputeId, TypeOtherDetailsPaymentId, TypeOtherAdjustmentDetailsPaymentId, TypeReleaseAdjustmentDetailsPaymentId, TypeReleaseHoldDetailsPaymentId, TypeReleaseReleaseDetailsPaymentId, TypeSquareCapitalPaymentDetailsPaymentId, TypeSquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetailsPaymentId, TypeTaxOnFeeDetailsPaymentId, TypeTaxOnFeeDetailsTaxRateDescription, TypeThirdPartyFeeDetailsPaymentId, TypeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetailsPaymentId, and TypeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetailsRefundId.
10/25/2024 9064 ProviderZohoCRM Added
  • Added support for the following views: AllowedFromAddresses, EmailTemplateAttachments, and EmailTemplates.
10/24/2024 9063 ProviderHDFS Added
  • Added the following new fields for GetContentSummary: ECPolicy, SnapshotLength, SnapshotFileCount, SnapshotDirectoryCount, and SnapshotSpaceConsumed.
10/24/2024 9063 ProviderSurveyMonkey Added
  • Added a connection property: Datacenter. It is marked as a deprecated AccessURL connection property.
10/24/2024 9063 ProviderTableauCRM Changed
  • The default API version has been updated to version 62.0.
10/23/2024 9062 ProviderAmazonMarketplace Added
  • Added the QueryStartDate column to the OutboundFeatures view.
  • Added the ShipFromSourceId input to the SubmitOrderFulfillmentFeed stored procedure.
10/23/2024 9062 ProviderBigCommerce Added
  • Added the support for the ProductMetafields table.
10/23/2024 9062 ProviderBing Changed
  • Changed the default value of the Domain connection property from "Cognitive" to "Bing".
10/23/2024 9062 ProviderSlack Added
  • Added support for DELETE operations to the ScheduledMessages table.
10/21/2024 9060 ProviderSAPSuccessFactors Added
  • Added a connection property: UserType. This is valid only when using LMS microservices.
  • The allowed values are Auto (Default), Admin, and User. Auto keeps the existing behavior. Admin is the value used when the user authenticates with an admin role account. User is the value used when the user authenticates with a user role account.
10/21/2024 9060 ProviderSlack Added
  • Added a Stored Procedure: GetTeamBillableInfo.
  • Added a Stored Procedure: SetReadCursor.

We appreciate your feedback.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this entry, please contact our support team at [email protected].