Xero: HTTP 503 Rate Limit Exceeded.

What does this mean?

Date Entered: 3/27/2020    Last Updated: 3/27/2020

Full error: oauth_problem=rate limit exceeded&oauth_problem_advice=please wait before retrying the xero api The Xero API has usage limitations the CData Drivers may encounter.

Note that Xero has two kinds of API rate limiting:

  1. Minute Limit: 60 calls in a rolling 60 second window.
  2. Daily Limit: 5000 calls in a rolling 24 hour window.

The most common issue encountered is the 60 requests/min rate limit. More information regarding this is available here:

We have added some functionality to minimize disruption due to the Xero API rate limit. When the minute rate limit is reached, CData Drivers will wait and then retry. This functionality is embedded into CData Drivers, and you can control these settings by adding the following in your connection string: RetryWaitTime={TIME_IN_MILLIS}; Other='MaximumRequestRetries={INT}'


  • RetryWaitTime controls how long it waits to try again (default value is 10000 milliseconds - 10 seconds)
  • MaximumRequestRetries controls the number of retries (default value is 4)

  • We appreciate your feedback.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this entry, please contact our support team at support@cdata.com.