Act-On Integration Guides and Tutorials

A list of guides and tutorials for connecting to and working with live Act-On data.

CData Software's connectivity tools enable users to connect directly to live Act-On data data from widely-used BI, analytics, ETL, and custom applications, ensuring that our customers can access their data wherever they desire. Below, you'll find a collection of guides and tutorials on integrating with live Act-On data.

Integration Use-Cases

Click below to jump to articles related to specific integration use-case.

Business Intelligence & Analytics

ProductTechnologyArticle Title
Alteryx DesignerODBCPrepare, Blend, and Analyze Act-On in Alteryx Designer (ODBC)
Alteryx DesignerConnect CloudWork with Live Act-On Data in Alteryx Designer (Connect Cloud)
Amazon QuickSightConnect CloudBuild Interactive Dashboards from Act-On Data in Amazon QuickSight
Amazon SageMakerConnect CloudIntegrate Live Act-On data into Amazon SageMaker Canvas
Aqua Data StudioJDBCConnect to Act-On in Aqua Data Studio
AWS DatabricksJDBCProcess & Analyze Act-On Data in Databricks (AWS)
Azure Analysis ServicesConnect CloudModel Act-On Data Using Azure Analysis Services
BirstJDBCBuild Visualizations of Act-On in Birst
BIRTJDBCDesign BIRT Reports on Act-On
Clear AnalyticsODBCBuild Charts with Act-On in Clear Analytics
Cognos Analytics (On-Prem)Connect CloudAnalyze Act-On Data in Cognos Analytics
DBxtraODBCBuild Dashboards with Act-On in DBxtra
DomoODBCCreate Datasets from Act-On in Domo Workbench
Dundas BIODBCBuild Dashboards with Act-On in Dundas BI
Excel (on Mac OS)ODBCWork with Act-On Data in MS Excel on Mac OS X
FineReportJDBCFeed Act-On into FineReport
Google SheetsConnect SpreadsheetsAccess Live Act-On Data in Google Sheets
IBM Cognos BIODBCCreate Data Visualizations in Cognos BI with Act-On
Infragistics RevealConnect CloudAnalyze Act-On Data in Infragistics Reval
JasperServerJDBCCreate Act-On Reports on JasperReports Server
Jaspersoft BI SuiteJDBCConnect to Act-On in Jaspersoft Studio
JReport DesignerJDBCIntegrate with Act-On in JReport Designer
KlipfolioConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Visualizations in Klipfolio
KNIMEJDBCEnable the Act-On JDBC Driver in KNIME
LINQPadADO.NETWorking with Act-On in LINQPad
LookerConnect CloudAnalyze Act-On Data in Looker
Looker StudioConnect CloudCreate Reports from Act-On Data in Looker Studio
MetabaseConnect CloudCreate Interactive Act-On-Connected Metabase Dashboards
Microsoft ExcelConnect SpreadsheetsAccess Live Act-On Data in Excel Desktop
Microsoft Excel for the WebConnect SpreadsheetsAccess Live Act-On Data in Excel for the Web
Microsoft SSASADO.NETBuild an OLAP Cube in SSAS from Act-On
MicroStrategyConnect CloudConnect to Live Act-On Data in MicroStrategy through Connect Cloud
MicroStrategyJDBCUse the CData JDBC Driver for Act-On in MicroStrategy
Microstrategy DesktopJDBCUse the CData JDBC Driver for Act-On in MicroStrategy Desktop
Microstrategy WebJDBCUse the CData JDBC Driver for Act-On in MicroStrategy Web
Mode AnalyticsConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Visualizations in Mode
OBIEEJDBCAct-On Reporting in OBIEE with the Act-On JDBC Driver
pandasPythonUse pandas to Visualize Act-On in Python
Pentaho Report DesignerJDBCIntegrate Act-On in the Pentaho Report Designer
Power BI DesktopPower BIAuthor Power BI Reports on Real-Time Act-On
Power BI ServiceConnect CloudVisualize Live Act-On Data in the Power BI Service
Power PivotConnect CloudAccess Act-On Data in Microsoft Power Pivot
Power QueryConnect CloudAccess Act-On Data in Microsoft Power Query
Qlik CloudConnect CloudCreate Apps from Act-On Data in Qlik Sense Cloud
QlikViewODBCConnect to and Query Act-On in QlikView over ODBC
RJDBCAnalyze Act-On in R (JDBC)
RODBCAnalyze Act-On in R (ODBC)
RapidMinerJDBCConnect to Act-On in RapidMiner
RedashConnect CloudQuery, Visualize, and Share live Act-On Data in Redash
SAP Analytics CloudConnect CloudAnalyze Act-On Data in SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Business ObjectsJDBCCreate an SAP BusinessObjects Universe on the CData JDBC Driver for Act-On
SAP Crystal ReportsJDBCPublish Reports with Act-On in Crystal Reports (JDBC)
SAP Crystal ReportsConnect CloudPublish Reports with Act-On in Crystal Reports (Connect Cloud)
SASODBCUse the CData ODBC Driver for Act-On in SAS for Real-Time Reporting and Analytics
SAS JMPODBCUse the CData ODBC Driver for Act-On in SAS JMP
SAS ViyaConnect CloudAnalyze Live Act-On Data in SAS Viya
SisenseJDBCVisualize Live Act-On in Sisense
Spago BIJDBCConnect to Act-On in SpagoBI
TableauTableauVisualize Act-On in Tableau Desktop
TableauConnect CloudVisualize Act-On in Tableau Desktop (Connect Cloud)
Tableau CloudConnect CloudBuild Act-On Visualizations in Tableau Cloud
Tableau ServerTableauPublish Act-On-Connected Dashboards in Tableau Server
ThoughtSpotConnect CloudModel, Search, and Visualize Live Act-On Data in ThoughtSpot
TIBCO SpotfireADO.NETVisualize Act-On in TIBCO Spotfire through ADO.NET
TIBCO SpotfireConnect ServerVisualize Act-On Data in TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire ServerJDBCOperational Reporting on Act-On from Spotfire Server
VisioODBCLink Visio Shapes to Act-On
Zoho AnalyticsConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Dashboards in Zoho Analytics

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ETL & Replication

ProductTechnologyArticle Title
AirbyteConnect CloudConnect to Act-On Data in Airbyte ELT Pipelines
Amazon RedshiftCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Amazon Redshift
Amazon S3CData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Amazon S3
Apache AirflowJDBCBridge Act-On Connectivity with Apache Airflow
Apache CamelJDBCIntegrate with Act-On using Apache Camel
Apache CassandraCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Apache Cassandra
Apache KafkaCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Apache Kafka
Apache NiFiJDBCBridge Act-On Connectivity with Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi Batch OperationsJDBCPerform Batch Operations with Act-On Data in Apache NiFi
AWS GlueConnect CloudBuild ETL Jobs with Act-On Data in AWS Glue Jobs
Azure Data FactoryConnect CloudImport Act-On Data Using Azure Data Factory
Azure Data LakeCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Azure Data Lake
Azure SynapseCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Azure Synapse
BIMLSSISUse Biml to Build SSIS Tasks to Replicate Act-On to SQL Server
CloverDXJDBCConnect to Act-On in CloverDX (formerly CloverETL)
CouchbaseCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Couchbase
CSVCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Local Delimited Files
DatabricksCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Databricks
ETL ValidatorJDBCHow to Work with Act-On in ETL Validator
FoxProODBCWork with Act-On in FoxPro
Google AlloyDBCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Google AlloyDB
Google BigQueryCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Google BigQuery
Google Cloud SQLCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Google Cloud SQL
Google Data FusionJDBCBuild Act-On-Connected ETL Processes in Google Data Fusion
Google Data FusionJDBCBuild Pipelines with Live Act-On Data in Google Cloud Data Fusion (CData Connect Cloud)
Heroku / Salesforce ConnectCData SyncReplicate Act-On for Use in Salesforce Connect
HULFT IntegrateJDBCConnect to Act-On in HULFT Integrate
IBM DB2CData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to IBM DB2
Informatica CloudJDBCIntegrate Act-On in Your Informatica Cloud Instance
Informatica PowerCenterJDBCCreate Informatica Mappings From/To a JDBC Data Source for Act-On
Jaspersoft ETLJDBCConnect to Act-On in Jaspersoft Studio
Microsoft AccessCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Microsoft Access
Microsoft Azure TablesCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Azure SQL
Microsoft ExcelExcelTransfer Data from Excel to Act-On
Microsoft Power AutomateConnect CloudBuild Act-On-Connected Automated Tasks with Power Automate (Desktop)
MongoDBCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to MongoDB
MySQLCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to MySQL
Oracle Data IntegratorJDBCETL Act-On in Oracle Data Integrator
Oracle DatabaseCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Oracle
petlPythonExtract, Transform, and Load Act-On in Python
PostgreSQLCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to PostgreSQL
Replicate to MySQLPowerShellReplicate Act-On to MySQL with PowerShell
SAP HANACData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to SAP HANA
SingleStoreCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to SingleStore
SnapLogicJDBCIntegrate Act-On with External Services using SnapLogic (JDBC)
SnapLogicConnect CloudIntegration with Act-On Data in SnapLogic (Connect Cloud)
SnowflakeCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to Snowflake
SQL ServerCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to SQL Server
SQL Server Linked ServerConnect CloudConnect to Act-On Data as a SQL Server Linked Server
SQLiteCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to SQLite
TalendJDBCConnect to Act-On and Transfer Data in Talend
UiPath StudioODBCCreate an RPA Flow that Connects to Act-On in UiPath Studio
VerticaCData SyncAutomated Continuous Act-On Replication to a Vertica Database
WorkatoConnect CloudBuild Automated Workflows with Live Act-On Data in Workato
ZapierConnect CloudBuild Automated Act-On-Connected Workflows in Zapier

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Data Virtualization

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Software Development

ProductTechnologyArticle Title
AWS LambdaJDBCAccess Live Act-On Data in AWS Lambda
AxiosConnect CloudBuild Act-On-Connected Web Apps with Axios and CData Connect Cloud
.NET ChartsADO.NETDataBind Charts to Act-On
.NET QueryBuilderODBCRapidly Develop Act-On-Driven Apps with Active Query Builder
Angular JSConnect ServerUsing AngularJS to Build Dynamic Web Pages with Act-On
Apache SparkJDBCWork with Act-On in Apache Spark Using SQL
AppSheetConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Business Apps in AppSheet
Bubble.ioConnect CloudBuild Act-On-Connected Apps in Bubble
C++BuilderODBCDataBind Controls to Act-On Data in C++Builder
ChoreoConnect CloudBuild Custom Apps on Act-On Data in Choreo
ColdFusionJDBCQuery Act-On in ColdFusion Using JDBC
ColdFusionODBCQuery Act-On in ColdFusion Using ODBC
DashPythonUse Dash & Python to Build Web Apps on Act-On
DelphiODBCDataBind Controls to Act-On Data in Delphi
DevExpressADO.NETDataBind Act-On to the DevExpress Data Grid
EF - Code FirstADO.NETAccess Act-On with Entity Framework 6
EF - MVCADO.NETBuild MVC Applications with Connectivity to Act-On
Filemaker ProODBCBidirectional Access to Act-On from FileMaker Pro
Filemaker Pro (on Mac)JDBCBidirectional Access to Act-On from FileMaker Pro (on Mac)
GoODBCWrite a Simple Go Application to work with Act-On on Linux
Google Apps ScriptConnect CloudConnect to Act-On Data in Google Apps Script
HibernateJDBCObject-Relational Mapping (ORM) with Act-On Entities in Java
IntelliJJDBCConnect to Act-On in IntelliJ
JBossJDBCConnect to Act-On from a Connection Pool in JBoss
JDBIJDBCCreate a Data Access Object for Act-On using JDBI
JitterbitConnect CloudIntegrate with Live Act-On Data in Jitterbit
JRubyJDBCConnect to Act-On in JRuby
MendixConnect CloudBuild Act-On-Connected Apps in Mendix (Connect Cloud)
MendixJDBCBuild Act-On-Connected Apps in Mendix (JDBC)
Microsoft Power AppsConnect CloudIntegrate Live Act-On Data into Custom Business Apps Built in Power Apps
NodeJSConnect CloudQuery Act-On Data in Node.js (via Connect Cloud)
NodeJSODBCQuery Act-On through ODBC in Node.js
OutSystemsConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Enterprise Applications in OutSystems
PHPConnect ServerAccess Act-On in PHP through Connect Server
PHPODBCNatively Connect to Act-On in PHP
PowerBuilderADO.NETConnect to Act-On from PowerBuilder
PowerShellPowerShellPipe Act-On to CSV in PowerShell
PyCharmODBCUsing the CData ODBC Driver for Act-On in PyCharm
PythonODBCConnect to Act-On in Python on Linux/UNIX
ReactConnect ServerBuild Dynamic React Apps with Act-On Data
RubyODBCConnect to Act-On in Ruby
RunMyProcessConnect CloudConnect to Act-On Data in RunMyProcess
RunMyProcess DSECJDBCConnect to Act-On in DigitalSuite Studio through RunMyProcess DSEC
SAP UI5Connect ServerIntegrate Real-Time Access to Act-On in SAPUI5 MVC Apps
ServoyJDBCBuild Act-On-Connected Apps in Servoy
Spring BootJDBCAccess Live Act-On Data in Spring Boot Apps
SQLAlchemyPythonUse SQLAlchemy ORMs to Access Act-On in Python
TomcatJDBCConfigure the CData JDBC Driver for Act-On in a Connection Pool in Tomcat
UnqorkConnect CloudCreate Act-On-Connected Applications in Unqork
VCL App (RAD Studio)ODBCBuild a Simple VCL Application for Act-On
WebLogicJDBCConnect to Act-On from a Connection Pool in WebLogic

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Data Management

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Workflow Automation

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Act-On Connectivity Solutions