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Integrate Real-Time Access to Business b-ridge in SAPUI5 MVC Apps

Use the built-in ODataModel class in SAPUI5 to create Web apps that reflect changes to Business b-ridge data in real time.

In this article we show how to use the CData API Server and with the ADO.NET Provider for Business b-ridge (or any of 200+ other ADO.NET Providers) to write SAPUI5 apps that leverage the capabilities of the Business b-ridge API, without writing to a back-end database. The API Server is a lightweight Web application that runs on your server and produces OData feeds of Business b-ridge data. OData is the standard for real-time data access over the Web and has built-in support in SAPUI5 and OpenUI5.

Set Up the API Server

Follow the steps below to begin producing secure Business b-ridge OData services:


The API Server runs on your own server. On Windows, you can deploy using the stand-alone server or IIS. On a Java servlet container, drop in the API Server WAR file. See the help documentation for more information and how-tos.

The API Server is also easy to deploy on Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2, and Heroku.

Connect to Business b-ridge

After you deploy the API Server and the ADO.NET Provider for Business b-ridge, provide authentication values and other connection properties needed to connect to Business b-ridge by clicking Settings -> Connections and adding a new connection in the API Server administration console.

When connecting to Business b-ridge, CompanyKey, ProjectKey, and SubscriptionKey are required.

To obtain the SubscriptionKey, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Business b-ridge API Protal and go to "Profile" in the "Your name" menu.
  • In your subscription section click "Main Key" to retrieve their respective values.

Authenticate to Business b-ridge Account

Set the following connection properties to connect:

  • CompanyKey: Set the Business b-ridge Company Key of the connection destination.
  • ProjectKey: Set the Business b-ridge Project Key of the connection destination.
  • SubscriptionKey: Set the value "Subscription Key".

You can then choose the Business b-ridge entities you want to allow the API Server access to by clicking Settings -> Resources. This article uses CDATA as an example.

Authorize API Server Users

After determining the OData services you want to produce, authorize users by clicking Settings -> Users. The API Server uses authtoken-based authentication and supports the major authentication schemes. You can authenticate as well as encrypt connections with SSL. Access can also be restricted by IP address; Access is restricted to only the local machine by default.

Create the View

In this article the user views and interacts with Business b-ridge data through an SAPUI5 table control. Table columns will be automatically detected from the metadata retrieved from the API Server's API endpoint. We define the following table in a separate View.view.xml file:

          path: 'meta>/dataServices/schema/[${namespace}===\'CData\']/entityType/[${name}===\'CDATA\']/property',
          factory: '.columnFactory'
            <m:Title text="Business b-ridge CDATA"></m:Title>
          <m:BusyIndicator class="sapUiMediumMargin"/>

Create the Model and Controller

In SAPUI5, you do not need to write any OData queries; an ODataModel instance handles the application's data access commands. The API Server then translates the queries into Business b-ridge API calls.

The controller processes user input and represents information to the user through a view. Define the controller in a new file, Controller.controller.js. Instantiate the model in the onInit function -- you will need to replace the placeholder values for the URL to the API Server, a user allowed to access the OData endpoint of the API Server, and the authtoken for the user.

], function(Controller, ODataModel, JSONModel, Column, Text ) {
  "use strict";

  return Controller.extend("sap.ui.table.sample.OData2.Controller", {
    onInit : function () {
      var oView = this.getView();
      var oDataModel = new ODataModel("http://myserver/api.rsc/",{user: "MyUser", password: "MyAuthToken"});
        oView.setModel(oDataModel.getMetaModel(), "meta");
      var oTable = oView.byId("table");
      var oBinding = oTable.getBinding("rows");
      var oBusyIndicator = oTable.getNoData();
        oTable.setNoData(null); //use default again ("no data" in case no data is available)
    onExit : function () {
    columnFactory : function(sId, oContext) {
      var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
      var sName = oContext.getProperty("name");
      var sType = oContext.getProperty("type");
      var iLen = oContext.getProperty("maxLength");
      iLen = iLen ? parseInt(iLen, 10) : 10;
      return new Column(sId, {
        sortProperty: sName, 
        filterProperty: sName,
        width: (iLen > 9 ? (iLen > 50 ? 15 : 10) : 5) + "rem",
        label: new sap.m.Label({text: "{/#CDATA/" + sName + "/@name}"}),
        hAlign: sType && sType.indexOf("Decimal") >= 0 ? "End" : "Begin",
        template: new Text({text: {path: sName}})


Describe Application Logic

Create a component that contains the resources of your application. Define the following in Component.js:

], function(UIComponent) {
  "use strict";

  return UIComponent.extend("sap.ui.table.sample.OData2.Component", {
    metadata : {
      rootView : "sap.ui.table.sample.OData2.View",
      dependencies : {
        libs : [

      config : {
        sample : {
          stretch : true,
          files : [


Bootstrap OpenUI5 and Launch

To complete the MVC application, simply add the bootstrap and initialization code. Add these directly to index.html:


  <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <meta charset="utf-8"> 
  <title>Business b-ridge CDATA</title>
  <script id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
    data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"sap.ui.table.sample.OData2": "./", "sap.ui.demo.mock": "mockdata"}'>
  <!-- application launch configuration -->
      sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function() {
        new sap.m.App ({
          pages: [
                new sap.m.Page({
                    title: "Business b-ridge CDATA", 
                    enableScrolling : false,
                  content: [ new sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer({
                  height : "100%", name : "sap.ui.table.sample.OData2"

  <!-- UI Content -->
<body class="sapUiBody" id="content" role="application">

The resulting SAPUI5 table control reflects any changes to a table in the remote Business b-ridge data. You can now browse and search current Business b-ridge data.