Google Spanner Data Cloud Connectivity

Explore a compilation of guides and tutorials demonstrating how to establish connections to Google Spanner data through CData Connect Cloud using different applications and tools.

CData Connect Cloud provides access to Google Spanner data from popular BI, analytics, ETL, and custom applications. In addition to pre-built client tools, CData Connect Cloud enables direct real-time bi-directional integration from a wide range of cloud applications. Below you will find a list of guides and tutorials for integrating with live Google Spanner data.

Connect Cloud Integrations

Click below to jump to articles related to specific integration use-case.

Business Intelligence & Analytics

ProductArticle Title
Alteryx DesignerWork with Live Google Spanner Data in Alteryx Designer (Connect Cloud)
Amazon QuickSightBuild Interactive Dashboards from Google Spanner Data in Amazon QuickSight
Amazon SageMakerIntegrate Live Google Spanner data into Amazon SageMaker Canvas
Azure Analysis ServicesModel Google Spanner Data Using Azure Analysis Services
Cognos Analytics (On-Prem)Analyze Google Spanner Data in Cognos Analytics
GecokboardCreate Dashboards and Visualize Live Google Spanner Data in Geckoboard
Google SheetsAccess Live Google Spanner Data in Google Sheets
GrafanaCreate Google Spanner-Connected Dashboards in Grafana
Infragistics RevealAnalyze Google Spanner Data in Infragistics Reval
KlipfolioCreate Google Spanner-Connected Visualizations in Klipfolio
LookerAnalyze Google Spanner Data in Looker
Looker StudioCreate Reports from Google Spanner Data in Looker Studio
MetabaseCreate Interactive Google Spanner-Connected Metabase Dashboards
Microsoft ExcelAccess Live Google Spanner Data in Excel Desktop
Microsoft Excel for the WebAccess Live Google Spanner Data in Excel for the Web
MicroStrategyConnect to Live Google Spanner Data in MicroStrategy through Connect Cloud
Mode AnalyticsCreate Google Spanner-Connected Visualizations in Mode
Power BI ServiceVisualize Live Google Spanner Data in the Power BI Service
Power PivotAccess Google Spanner Data in Microsoft Power Pivot
Power QueryAccess Google Spanner Data in Microsoft Power Query
Qlik CloudCreate Apps from Google Spanner Data in Qlik Sense Cloud
RedashQuery, Visualize, and Share live Google Spanner Data in Redash
SAP Analytics CloudAnalyze Google Spanner Data in SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Crystal ReportsPublish Reports with Google Spanner in Crystal Reports (Connect Cloud)
SAS ViyaAnalyze Live Google Spanner Data in SAS Viya
TableauVisualize Google Spanner in Tableau Desktop (Connect Cloud)
Tableau CloudBuild Google Spanner Visualizations in Tableau Cloud
ThoughtSpotModel, Search, and Visualize Live Google Spanner Data in ThoughtSpot
Zoho AnalyticsCreate Google Spanner-Connected Dashboards in Zoho Analytics

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ETL & Replication

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Data Virtualization

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Software Development

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Data Management

ProductArticle Title
HeidiSQLConnect to Google Spanner Data in HeidiSQL

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Workflow Automation

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