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An easy-to-use set of PowerShell Cmdlets offering real-time access to Square data. The Cmdlets allow users to easily read, write, update, and delete live data - just like working with SQL server.

PowerShell Scripting to Replicate Square Data to MySQL

Write a simple PowerShell script to replicate Square data to a MySQL database.

The CData Cmdlets for Square offer live access to Square data from within PowerShell. Using PowerShell scripts, you can easily automate regular tasks like data replication. This article will walk through using the CData Cmdlets for Square and the CData Cmdlets for MySQL in PowerShell to replicate Square data to a MySQL database.

After obtaining the needed connection properties, accessing Square data in PowerShell and preparing for replication consists of four basic steps.

Square uses the OAuth authentication standard. To authenticate using OAuth, you will need to register an app with Square to obtain the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL. See the "Getting Started" chapter of the help documentation for a guide to using OAuth.

Additionally, you must specify the LocationId. You can retrieve the Ids for your Locations by querying the Locations table. Alternatively, you can set the LocationId in the search criteria of your query.

Collecting Square Data

  1. Install the module:

    Install-Module SquareCmdlets
  2. Connect to Square:

    $square = Connect-Square -OAuthClientId $OAuthClientId -OAuthClientSecret $OAuthClientSecret -CallbackURL $CallbackURL -LocationId $LocationId
  3. Retrieve the data from a specific resource:

    $data = Select-Square -Connection $square -Table "Refunds"

    You can also use the Invoke-Square cmdlet to execute pure SQL-92 statements:

    $data = Invoke-Square -Connection $square -Query 'SELECT * FROM Refunds WHERE Type = @Type' -Params @{'@Type'='FULL'}
  4. Save a list of the column names from the returned data.

    $columns = ($data | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -Property Name).Name

Inserting Square Data into the MySQL Database

With the data and column names collected, you are ready to replicate the data into a MySQL database.

  1. Install the module:

    Install-Module MySQLCmdlets
  2. Connect to MySQL, using the server address and port of the MySQL server, valid user credentials, and a specific database with the table in which the data will be replicated:

    $mysql = Connect-MySQL -User $User -Password $Password -Database $Database -Server $Server -Port $Port
  3. Loop through the Square data, store the values, and use the Add-MySQL cmdlet to insert the data into the MySQL database, one row at a time. In this example, the table will need to have the same name as the Square resource (Refunds) and to exist in the database.

    $data | % { $row = $_ $values = @() $columns | % { $col = $_ $values += $row.$($col) } Add-MySQL -Connection $mysql -Table "Refunds" -Columns $columns -Values $values }

You have now replicated your Square data to a MySQL database. This gives you freedom to work with Square data in the same way that you work with other MySQL tables, whether that is performing analytics, building reports, or other business functions.


  • Once you have connected to Square and MySQL in PowerShell, you can pipe command results to perform the replication in a single line:

    Select-Square -Connection $square -Table "Refunds" | % { $row = $_ $values = @() $columns | % { $col = $_ $values += $row.$($col) } Add-MySQL -Connection $mysql -Table "Refunds" -Columns $columns -Values $values }
  • If you wish to replicate the Square data to another database using another PowerShell module, you will want to exclude the Columns, Connection, and Table columns from the data returned by the Select-Square cmdlet since those columns are used to help pipe data from one CData cmdlet to another:

    $columns = ($data | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -Property Name).Name | ? {$_ -NotIn @('Columns','Connection','Table')}