DataBind Hive Data to the DevExpress Data Grid

Use the CData ADO.NET Provider for Hive with the DevExpress Windows Forms and Web controls to provide Hive data to a chart.

The ADO.NET Provider for Hive by CData incorporates conventional ADO.NET data access components compatible with third-party controls. You can adhere to the standard ADO.NET data binding procedures to establish two-way access to real-time data through UI controls. This article will demonstrate the utilization of CData components for data binding with DevExpress UI Controls (Windows Forms and Web controls), specifically binding to a chart that visualizes live data.

Set the Server, Port, TransportMode, and AuthScheme connection properties to connect to Hive.

Windows Forms Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress chart with Hive data. The ApacheHiveDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart control. The Diagram property of the control defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using (ApacheHiveConnection connection = new ApacheHiveConnection( "Server=;Port=10000;TransportMode=BINARY;")) { ApacheHiveDataAdapter dataAdapter = new ApacheHiveDataAdapter( "SELECT City, CompanyName FROM Customers", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series(); chartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "CompanyName" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "City"; series.ValueScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Numerical; chartControl1.Legend.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }

Web Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress Web control with Hive data. The ApacheHiveDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart; the Diagram property defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using DevExpress.XtraCharts; using (ApacheHiveConnection connection = new ApacheHiveConnection( "Server=;Port=10000;TransportMode=BINARY;")) { ApacheHiveDataAdapter ApacheHiveDataAdapter1 = new ApacheHiveDataAdapter("SELECT City, CompanyName FROM Customers", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); ApacheHiveDataAdapter1.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new Series("Series1", ViewType.Bar); WebChartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "CompanyName" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "City"; series.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }

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