DataBind MongoDB Data to the DevExpress Data Grid

Use the CData ADO.NET Provider for MongoDB with the DevExpress Windows Forms and Web controls to provide MongoDB data to a chart.

The ADO.NET Provider for MongoDB by CData incorporates conventional ADO.NET data access components compatible with third-party controls. You can adhere to the standard ADO.NET data binding procedures to establish two-way access to real-time data through UI controls. This article will demonstrate the utilization of CData components for data binding with DevExpress UI Controls (Windows Forms and Web controls), specifically binding to a chart that visualizes live data.

About MongoDB Data Integration

Accessing and integrating live data from MongoDB has never been easier with CData. Customers rely on CData connectivity to:

MongoDB's flexibility means that it can be used as a transactional, operational, or analytical database. That means CData customers use our solutions to integrate their business data with MongoDB or integrate their MongoDB data with their data warehouse (or both). Customers also leverage our live connectivity options to analyze and report on MongoDB directly from their preferred tools, like Power BI and Tableau.

For more details on MongoDB use case and how CData enhances your MongoDB experience, check out our blog post: The Top 10 Real-World MongoDB Use Cases You Should Know in 2024.

Getting Started

Set the Server, Database, User, and Password connection properties to connect to MongoDB. To access MongoDB collections as tables you can use automatic schema discovery or write your own schema definitions. Schemas are defined in .rsd files, which have a simple format. You can also execute free-form queries that are not tied to the schema.

Windows Forms Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress chart with MongoDB data. The MongoDBDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart control. The Diagram property of the control defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using (MongoDBConnection connection = new MongoDBConnection( "Server=MyServer;Port=27017;Database=test;User=test;Password=Password;")) { MongoDBDataAdapter dataAdapter = new MongoDBDataAdapter( "SELECT borough, cuisine FROM restaurants", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); dataAdapter.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series(); chartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "cuisine" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "borough"; series.ValueScaleType = DevExpress.XtraCharts.ScaleType.Numerical; chartControl1.Legend.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.False; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }

Web Controls

The code below shows how to populate a DevExpress Web control with MongoDB data. The MongoDBDataAdapter binds to the Series property of the chart; the Diagram property defines the x- and y-axes as the column names.

using DevExpress.XtraCharts; using (MongoDBConnection connection = new MongoDBConnection( "Server=MyServer;Port=27017;Database=test;User=test;Password=Password;")) { MongoDBDataAdapter MongoDBDataAdapter1 = new MongoDBDataAdapter("SELECT borough, cuisine FROM restaurants", connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); MongoDBDataAdapter1.Fill(table); DevExpress.XtraCharts.Series series = new Series("Series1", ViewType.Bar); WebChartControl1.Series.Add(series); series.DataSource = table; series.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "cuisine" }); series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative; series.ArgumentDataMember = "borough"; series.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical; ((DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesView)series.View).ColorEach = true; }

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the MongoDB Data Provider to get started:

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Rapidly create and deploy powerful .NET applications that integrate with MongoDB document databases.