Integrate Microsoft Teams with External Services using SnapLogic

Use CData JDBC drivers in SnapLogic to integrate Microsoft Teams with External Services.

SnapLogic is an integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) that allows users to create data integration flows with no code. When paired with the CData JDBC Drivers, users get access to live data from more than 250+ SaaS, Big Data and NoSQL sources, including Microsoft Teams, in their SnapLogic workflows.

With built-in optimized data processing, the CData JDBC Driver offers unmatched performance for interacting with live Microsoft Teams data. When platforms issue complex SQL queries to Microsoft Teams, the driver pushes supported SQL operations, like filters and aggregations, directly to Microsoft Teams and utilizes the embedded SQL engine to process unsupported operations client-side (often SQL functions and JOIN operations). Its built-in dynamic metadata querying lets you work with Microsoft Teams data using native data types.

Connect to Microsoft Teams in SnapLogic

To connect to Microsoft Teams data in SnapLogic, download and install the CData Microsoft Teams JDBC Driver. Follow the installation dialog. When the installation is complete, the JAR file can be found in the installation directory (C:/Program Files/CData/CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Teams/lib by default).

Upload the Microsoft Teams JDBC Driver

After installation, upload the JDBC JAR file to a location in SnapLogic (for example, projects/Jerod Johnson) from the Manager tab.

Configure the Connection

Once the JDBC Driver is uploaded, we can create the connection to Microsoft Teams.

  1. Navigate to the Designer tab
  2. Expand "JDBC" from Snaps and drag a "Generic JDBC - Select" snap onto the designer
  3. Click Add Account (or select an existing one) and click "Continue"
  4. In the next form, configure the JDBC connection properties:
    • Under JDBC JARs, add the JAR file we previously uploaded
    • Set JDBC Driver Class to cdata.jdbc.msteams.MSTeamsDriver
    • Set JDBC URL to a JDBC connection string for the Microsoft Teams JDBC Driver, for example:


      NOTE: RTK is a trial or full key. Contact our Support team for more information.

      Built-In Connection String Designer

      For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the Microsoft Teams JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

      java -jar cdata.jdbc.msteams.jar

      Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

      You can connect to MS Teams using the embedded OAuth connectivity. When you connect, the MS Teams OAuth endpoint opens in your browser. Log in and grant permissions to complete the OAuth process. See the OAuth section in the online Help documentation for more information on other OAuth authentication flows.

  5. After entering the connection properties, click "Validate" and "Apply"

Read Microsoft Teams Data

In the form that opens after validating and applying the connection, configure your query.

  • Set Schema name to "MSTeams"
  • Set Table name to a table for Microsoft Teams using the schema name, for example: "MSTeams"."Teams" (use the drop-down to see the full list of available tables)
  • Add Output fields for each item you wish to work with from the table

Save the Generic JDBC - Select snap.

With connection and query configured, click the end of the snap to preview the data (highlighted below).

Once you confirm the results are what you expect, you can add additional snaps to funnel your Microsoft Teams data to another endpoint.

Piping Microsoft Teams Data to External Services

For this article, we will load data in a Google Spreadsheet. You can use any of the supported snaps, or even use a Generic JDBC snap with another CData JDBC Driver, to move data into an external service.

  1. Start by dropping a "Worksheet Writer" snap onto the end of the "Generic JDBC - Select" snap.
  2. Add an account to connect to Google Sheets
  3. Configure the Worksheet Writer snap to write your Microsoft Teams data to a Google Spreadsheet

You can now execute the fully configured pipeline to extract data from Microsoft Teams and push it into a Google Spreadsheet.

Piping External Data to Microsoft Teams

As mentioned above, you can also use the JDBC Driver for Microsoft Teams in SnapLogic to write data to Microsoft Teams. Start by adding a Generic JDBC - Insert or Generic JDBC - Update snap to the dashboard.

  1. Select the existing "Account" (connection) or create a new one
  2. Configure the query:
    • Set Schema name to "MSTeams"
    • Set Table name to a table for Microsoft Teams using the schema name, for example: "MSTeams"."Teams" (use the drop-down to see the full list of available tables)
  3. Save the Generic JDBC - Insert/Update snap

At this point, you have configured a snap to write data to Microsoft Teams, inserting new records or updating existing ones.

More Information & Free Trial

Using the CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Teams you can create a pipeline in SnapLogic for integrating Microsoft Teams data with external services. For more information about connecting to Microsoft Teams, check at our CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Teams page. Download a free, 30 day trial of the CData JDBC Driver for Microsoft Teams and get started today.

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the Microsoft Teams Driver to get started:

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Microsoft Teams Icon Microsoft Teams JDBC Driver

Rapidly create and deploy powerful Java applications that integrate with Microsoft Teams.