by CData Software | September 08, 2022

Mobilize Workday Data with CData

Driver in Focus: Access Live Workday Data from Anywhere

For many IT teams and data administrators, extra development is the norm to get business users’ preferred data tools and platforms to talk with Workday. Fortunately, CData provides self-service data connectivity solutions that allow business users to access and work with Workday data at any time and in any place without having to wait on IT to build a custom integration for each data source.

From real-time analytics in Tableau or Power BI to warehousing data for audit reporting, CData provides a bridge from Workday to any data tool or platform. Organizations worldwide are already discovering how they can use Workday in new ways when business users dig directly into their data.

Let’s explore how your teams can inject Workday data into more workflows by highlighting a few powerful CData use cases across industries.

1. A Non-Profit Adds Workday Data into Existing MySQL Reporting

Non-profits rely on all funding, operational costs, and various resources being visible under one clear lens to forecast and strategize for the future. One non-profit aimed to use its Workday data to educate and certify investment professionals across the globe. However, they did not want to break or replace their existing data flow from MySQL to their reporting and analytics tools.

By using CData Sync, the non-profit was able to feed Workday into MySQL through an automated data pipeline. This organization used Sync’s SQL-based connectivity to allow this non-database source to seamlessly integrate into their MySQL database. Sync’s simple click-to-connect setup is easy for even non-technical users to set and forget, leaving the non-profit with virtually no maintenance and minimal IT overhead to fuel their analytics processes.

CData Sync replicates data to and from any data platform to help non-profits like this forecast trends in revenue-generating activities. Links between membership fees, event attendance, and member satisfaction become transparent , shaping how non-profits structure their programs for the future.

2. A Nationwide Retailer Introduces Workday into Real-Time Tableau Analytics

Workday‘s cloud-native structure enables one of today’s biggest competitive advantages in retail: real-time data analytics. As markets and consumer trends shift, large retailers are to rapid changes faster with fresh data.

Rather than leave analysts waiting for stale data from lengthy exports, one leading U.S. retailer came to CData to forge a direct path from Workday to their analysts’ preferred tool, Tableau.

To use Tableau for real-time analysis of Workday data, the retailer introduced the CData Tableau Connector into their workflows. Since the connector allows Workday to be read like a standard SQL-based database, operations staff can now pull this data directly to Tableau in real-time — no exports needed.

The CData Tableau Connector allows trends in inventory turnover, consumer habits, and seasonal staffing to be pulled from Workday’s cloud into any on-site or web-based instance of Tableau. Each store’s teams are now able to analyze and present the most current data — whether on the sales floor via mobile devices, on back-office workstations, or in quarterly presentations to the corporate board.

3. A University Leverages Direct Workday Access with Fewer IT Costs

One notable private U.S. university uses Workday to enhance its transparency into business insights and decision-making. This university’s staff struggled to find a way to analyze and report on Workday data in tools they already use. Native connectivity leaves limited options to connect data tools to non-database sources.

Rather than introduce ETL pipelines and data warehousing that are too complex and costly for their needs, the university leveraged CData ODBC Drivers, giving them on-demand access directly from Workday.

This lightweight, direct-to-source data access lets staff use data from any source — even non-database sources — in their tools of choice with less IT overhead.

Today’s educational institutions can now drive budget and operational decisions with sized-to-fit data connections. From analytics and reporting in IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel to data exploration and ad-hoc querying in WinSQL, university staff now have the freedom to choose where they use their Workday data.

4. A State Treasury Replicates Workday and Other Sources to a Persisting Archive

When multiple sources are required for widescale or historical data workflows, ETL pipelines and data warehousing remain a popular choice. The public sector routinely leverages mass data workflows to inform audits, quarterly financial reports, and other recurring reporting processes each year.

To help a U.S. state treasury department replicate Workday data alongside several other sources into their MS SQL Server, CData Sync was an ideal choice. With CData Sync, the treasury uses a point-and-click interface to add or remove sources as their data needs change. 

The treasury staff now have a reliable, affordable archive of financial data and more – and it doesn’t require extensive IT involvement to keep it working. Other government organizations can similarly build their multi-source comprehensive reporting using Sync’s automated data flows to refocus time, focus, and budget for other high-value projects.

Workday and CData: Data Where and When You Want

Workday offers the ability to fuel invaluable decision-making across industries. CData’s data connectivity solutions extend their offering by providing more options to access, move, and consolidate your Workday data where you want it.

As your data connectivity needs evolve, CData offers a wide selection of right-sized solutions designed to complement and augment your existing data processes and platforms for seamless data workflows. Using a robust SQL engine, your preferred data platforms and tools talk to any data source — including cloud apps like Workday — as if it were a standard SQL database.

CData’s data connectivity solutions empower your teams to connect, integrate, and automate all your organization’s data for use and access anywhere.

If you’d like to explore how CData can help Workday enhance your data-driven workflows, reach out for a free personalized demo from CData connectivity specialists today.