Connect to Dynamics CRM Data from a Connection Pool in Jetty

The Dynamics CRM JDBC Driver supports connection pooling: This article shows how to connect faster to Dynamics CRM data from Web apps in Jetty.

The CData JDBC driver for Dynamics CRM is easy to integrate with Java Web applications. This article shows how to efficiently connect to Dynamics CRM data in Jetty by configuring the driver for connection pooling. You will configure a JNDI resource for Dynamics CRM in Jetty.

About Dynamics CRM Data Integration

CData simplifies access and integration of live Microsoft Dynamics CRM data. Our customers leverage CData connectivity to:

  • Read and write data in the Dynamics CRM 2011+ Services and Dynamics CRM Online.
  • Extend the native features of Dynamics CRM with customizable caching and intelligent query aggregation and separation.
  • Authenticate securely with Dynamics CRM in a variety of ways, including Azure Active Directory, Azure Managed Service Identity credentials, and Azure Service Principal using either a client secret or a certificate.

CData customers use our Dynamics CRM connectivity solutions for a variety of reasons, whether they're looking to replicate their data into a data warehouse (alongside other data sources) or analyze live Dynamics CRMa data from their preferred data tools inside the Microsoft ecosystem (Power BI, Excel, etc.) or with external tools (Tableau, Looker, etc.).

Getting Started

Configure the JDBC Driver for Salesforce as a JNDI Data Source

Follow the steps below to connect to Salesforce from Jetty.

  1. Enable the JNDI module for your Jetty base. The following command enables JNDI from the command-line:

    java -jar ../start.jar --add-to-startd=jndi
  2. Add the CData and license file, located in the lib subfolder of the installation directory, into the lib subfolder of the context path.
  3. Declare the resource and its scope. Enter the required connection properties in the resource declaration. This example declares the Dynamics CRM data source at the level of the Web app, in WEB-INF\jetty-env.xml.

    <Configure id='dynamicscrmdemo' class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext"> <New id="dynamicscrmdemo" class=""> <Arg><Ref refid="dynamicscrmdemo"/></Arg> <Arg>jdbc/dynamicscrmdb</Arg> <Arg> <New class="cdata.jdbc.dynamicscrm.DynamicsCRMDriver"> <Set name="url">jdbc:dynamicscrm:</Set> <Set name="User">myuseraccount</Set> <Set name="Password">mypassword</Set> <Set name="URL"></Set> <Set name="CRM Version">CRM Online</Set> </New> </Arg> </New> </Configure>

    The connection string options meet the authentication and connection requirements of different Dynamics CRM instances. To connect to your instance, set the User and Password properties, under the Authentication section, to valid Dynamics CRM user credentials and set the Url to a valid Dynamics CRM server organization root. Additionally, set the CRMVersion property to 'CRM2011+' or 'CRMOnline'. IFD configurations are supported as well; set InternetFacingDeployment to true.

    Additionally, you can provide the security token service (STS) or AD FS endpoint in the STSURL property. This value can be retrieved with the GetSTSUrl stored procedure. Office 365 users can connect to the default STS URL by simply setting CRMVersion.

  4. Configure the resource in the Web.xml:

    jdbc/dynamicscrmdb javax.sql.DataSource Container
  5. You can then access Dynamics CRM with a lookup to java:comp/env/jdbc/dynamicscrmdb: InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); DataSource mydynamicscrm = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/dynamicscrmdb");

More Jetty Integration

The steps above show how to configure the driver in a simple connection pooling scenario. For more use cases and information, see the Working with Jetty JNDI chapter in the Jetty documentation.

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the Dynamics CRM Driver to get started:

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Rapidly create and deploy powerful Java applications that integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM account data including Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, and more!