Connect to Oracle Sales Data in Ruby

Connect to Oracle Sales data in Ruby with ruby-dbi, dbd-odbc, and ruby-odbc.

The CData ODBC Driver for Oracle Sales makes it easy to integrate connectivity to live Oracle Sales data in Ruby. This article shows how to create a simple Ruby app that connects to Oracle Sales data, executes a query, and displays the results.

Create an ODBC Connection to Oracle Sales Data

If you have not already, first specify connection properties in an ODBC DSN (data source name). This is the last step of the driver installation. You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure ODBC DSNs.

Oracle Sales uses Basic authentication over SSL; after setting the following connection properties, you are ready to connect:

  • Username: Set this to the user name that you use to log into your Oracle Cloud service.
  • Password: Set this to your password.
  • HostURL: Set this to the Web address (URL) of your Oracle Cloud service.

Installing Ruby and Necessary Gems

If you do not have Ruby installed, refer to the Ruby installation page. With Ruby installed, you will need to install the ruby-dbi, dbd-odbc, and ruby-odbc gems:

gem install dbi gem install dbd-odbc gem install ruby-odbc

Create a Ruby App with Connectivity to Oracle Sales Data

Create a new Ruby file (for example: OracleSalesCloudSelect.rb) and open it in a text editor. Copy the following code into your file:

#connect to the DSN require 'dbi' cnxn = DBI.connect('DBI:ODBC:CData OracleSalesCloud Source','','') #execute a SELECT query and store the result set resultSet = cnxn.execute("SELECT OptyId, Name FROM Opportunities") #display the names of the columns resultSet.column_names.each do |name| print name, "\t" end puts #display the results while row = resultSet.fetch do (0..resultSet.column_names.size - 1).each do |n| print row[n], "\t" end puts end resultSet.finish #close the connection cnxn.disconnect if cnxn

With the file completed, you are ready to display your Oracle Sales data with Ruby. To do so, simply run your file from the command line:

ruby OracleSalesCloudSelect.rb Writing SQL-92 queries to Oracle Sales allows you to quickly and easily incorporate Oracle Sales data into your own Ruby applications. Download a free trial today!

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the Oracle Sales ODBC Driver to get started:

 Download Now

Learn more:

Oracle Sales Icon Oracle Sales ODBC Driver

The Oracle Sales ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live Oracle Sales data, directly from any applications that support ODBC connectivity.

Access Oracle Sales like you would a database - read, write, and update Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts, etc. through a standard ODBC Driver interface.