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Oracle Service Cloud Data Cloud Connectivity

Explore a compilation of guides and tutorials demonstrating how to establish connections to Oracle Service Cloud data through CData Connect Cloud using different applications and tools.

CData Connect Cloud provides access to Oracle Service Cloud data from popular BI, analytics, ETL, and custom applications. In addition to pre-built client tools, CData Connect Cloud enables direct real-time bi-directional integration from a wide range of cloud applications. Below you will find a list of guides and tutorials for integrating with live Oracle Service Cloud data.

Connect Cloud Integrations

Click below to jump to articles related to specific integration use-case.

Business Intelligence & Analytics

ProductArticle Title
Alteryx DesignerPrepare, Blend, and Analyze Oracle Service Cloud in Alteryx Designer (ODBC)
Alteryx DesignerWork with Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in Alteryx Designer (Connect Cloud)
Amazon QuickSightBuild Interactive Dashboards from Oracle Service Cloud Data in Amazon QuickSight
Amazon SageMakerIntegrate Live Oracle Service Cloud data into Amazon SageMaker Canvas
Aqua Data StudioConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in Aqua Data Studio
AWS DatabricksProcess & Analyze Oracle Service Cloud Data in Databricks (AWS)
Azure Analysis ServicesModel Oracle Service Cloud Data Using Azure Analysis Services
BirstBuild Visualizations of Oracle Service Cloud in Birst
BIRTDesign BIRT Reports on Oracle Service Cloud
Clear AnalyticsBuild Charts with Oracle Service Cloud in Clear Analytics
Cognos Analytics (On-Prem)Analyze Oracle Service Cloud Data in Cognos Analytics
DBxtraBuild Dashboards with Oracle Service Cloud in DBxtra
DomoCreate Datasets from Oracle Service Cloud in Domo Workbench
Dundas BIBuild Dashboards with Oracle Service Cloud in Dundas BI
Excel (on Mac OS)Work with Oracle Service Cloud Data in MS Excel on Mac OS X
FineReportFeed Oracle Service Cloud into FineReport
Google SheetsAccess Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in Google Sheets
IBM Cognos BICreate Data Visualizations in Cognos BI with Oracle Service Cloud
Infragistics RevealAnalyze Oracle Service Cloud Data in Infragistics Reval
JasperServerCreate Oracle Service Cloud Reports on JasperReports Server
Jaspersoft BI SuiteConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in Jaspersoft Studio
JReport DesignerIntegrate with Oracle Service Cloud in JReport Designer
KlipfolioCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Visualizations in Klipfolio
KNIMEEnable the Oracle Service Cloud JDBC Driver in KNIME
LINQPadWorking with Oracle Service Cloud in LINQPad
LookerAnalyze Oracle Service Cloud Data in Looker
Looker StudioCreate Reports from Oracle Service Cloud Data in Looker Studio
MetabaseCreate Interactive Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Metabase Dashboards
Microsoft ExcelAccess Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in Excel Desktop
Microsoft Excel for the WebAccess Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in Excel for the Web
Microsoft SSASBuild an OLAP Cube in SSAS from Oracle Service Cloud
MicroStrategyConnect to Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in MicroStrategy through Connect Cloud
MicroStrategyUse the CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in MicroStrategy
Microstrategy DesktopUse the CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in MicroStrategy Desktop
Microstrategy WebUse the CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in MicroStrategy Web
Mode AnalyticsCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Visualizations in Mode
OBIEEOracle Service Cloud Reporting in OBIEE with the Oracle Service Cloud JDBC Driver
pandasUse pandas to Visualize Oracle Service Cloud in Python
Pentaho Report DesignerIntegrate Oracle Service Cloud in the Pentaho Report Designer
Power BI DesktopAuthor Power BI Reports on Real-Time Oracle Service Cloud
Power BI ServiceVisualize Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in the Power BI Service
Power PivotAccess Oracle Service Cloud Data in Microsoft Power Pivot
Power QueryAccess Oracle Service Cloud Data in Microsoft Power Query
Qlik CloudCreate Apps from Oracle Service Cloud Data in Qlik Sense Cloud
QlikViewConnect to and Query Oracle Service Cloud in QlikView over ODBC
RAnalyze Oracle Service Cloud in R (JDBC)
RAnalyze Oracle Service Cloud in R (ODBC)
RapidMinerConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in RapidMiner
RedashBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Dashboards in Redash
SAP Analytics CloudAnalyze Oracle Service Cloud Data in SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP Business ObjectsCreate an SAP BusinessObjects Universe on the CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud
SAP Crystal ReportsPublish Reports with Oracle Service Cloud in Crystal Reports
SASUse the CData ODBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in SAS for Real-Time Reporting and Analytics
SAS JMPUse the CData ODBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in SAS JMP
SAS ViyaAnalyze Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in SAS Viya
SisenseVisualize Live Oracle Service Cloud in Sisense
Spago BIConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in SpagoBI
TableauVisualize Oracle Service Cloud in Tableau Desktop
Tableau CloudBuild Oracle Service Cloud Visualizations in Tableau Cloud
Tableau ServerPublish Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Dashboards in Tableau Server
TIBCO SpotfireVisualize Oracle Service Cloud in TIBCO Spotfire through ADO.NET
TIBCO SpotfireVisualize Oracle Service Cloud Data in TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire ServerOperational Reporting on Oracle Service Cloud from Spotfire Server
VisioLink Visio Shapes to Oracle Service Cloud
Zoho AnalyticsCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Dashboards in Zoho Analytics

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ETL & Replication

ProductArticle Title
AirbyteConnect to Oracle Service Cloud Data in Airbyte ELT Pipelines
Amazon RedshiftAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Amazon Redshift
Amazon S3Automated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Amazon S3
Apache AirflowBridge Oracle Service Cloud Connectivity with Apache Airflow
Apache CamelIntegrate with Oracle Service Cloud using Apache Camel
Apache CassandraAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Apache Cassandra
Apache KafkaAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Apache Kafka
Apache NiFiBridge Oracle Service Cloud Connectivity with Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi Batch OperationsPerform Batch Operations with Oracle Service Cloud Data in Apache NiFi
AWS GlueBuild ETL Jobs with Oracle Service Cloud Data in AWS Glue Jobs
Azure Data FactoryImport Oracle Service Cloud Data Using Azure Data Factory
Azure Data LakeAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Azure Data Lake
Azure SynapseAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Azure Synapse
BIMLUse Biml to Build SSIS Tasks to Replicate Oracle Service Cloud to SQL Server
CloverDXConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in CloverDX (formerly CloverETL)
CouchbaseAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Couchbase
CSVAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Local Delimited Files
DatabricksAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Databricks
FoxProWork with Oracle Service Cloud in FoxPro
Google AlloyDBAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Google AlloyDB
Google BigQueryAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Google BigQuery
Google Cloud SQLAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Google Cloud SQL
Google Data FusionBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected ETL Processes in Google Data Fusion
Heroku / Salesforce ConnectReplicate Oracle Service Cloud for Use in Salesforce Connect
HULFT IntegrateConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in HULFT Integrate
IBM DB2Automated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to IBM DB2
Informatica CloudIntegrate Oracle Service Cloud in Your Informatica Cloud Instance
Informatica PowerCenterCreate Informatica Mappings From/To a JDBC Data Source for Oracle Service Cloud
Jaspersoft ETLConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in Jaspersoft Studio
Microsoft AccessAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Microsoft Access
Microsoft Azure TablesAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Azure SQL
Microsoft ExcelTransfer Data from Excel to Oracle Service Cloud
Microsoft Power AutomateBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Automated Tasks with Power Automate (Desktop)
MongoDBAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to MongoDB
MySQLAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to MySQL
Oracle Data IntegratorETL Oracle Service Cloud in Oracle Data Integrator
Oracle DatabaseAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Oracle
petlExtract, Transform, and Load Oracle Service Cloud in Python
PostgreSQLAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to PostgreSQL
Replicate to MySQLReplicate Oracle Service Cloud to MySQL with PowerShell
SAP HANAAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to SAP HANA
SingleStoreAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to SingleStore
SnapLogicIntegrate Oracle Service Cloud with External Services using SnapLogic
SnowflakeAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to Snowflake
SQL ServerAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to SQL Server
SQL Server Linked ServerConnect to Oracle Service Cloud Data as a SQL Server Linked Server
SQLiteAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to SQLite
TalendConnect to Oracle Service Cloud and Transfer Data in Talend
UiPath StudioCreate an RPA Flow that Connects to Oracle Service Cloud in UiPath Studio
VerticaAutomated Continuous Oracle Service Cloud Replication to a Vertica Database

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Data Virtualization

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Software Development

ProductArticle Title
AWS LambdaAccess Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in AWS Lambda
.NET ChartsDataBind Charts to Oracle Service Cloud
.NET QueryBuilderRapidly Develop Oracle Service Cloud-Driven Apps with Active Query Builder
Angular JSUsing AngularJS to Build Dynamic Web Pages with Oracle Service Cloud
Apache SparkWork with Oracle Service Cloud in Apache Spark Using SQL
AppSheetCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Business Apps in AppSheet
Bubble.ioBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Apps in Bubble
C++BuilderDataBind Controls to Oracle Service Cloud Data in C++Builder
ChoreoBuild Custom Apps on Oracle Service Cloud Data in Choreo
ColdFusionQuery Oracle Service Cloud in ColdFusion Using JDBC
ColdFusionQuery Oracle Service Cloud in ColdFusion Using ODBC
DashUse Dash & Python to Build Web Apps on Oracle Service Cloud
DelphiDataBind Controls to Oracle Service Cloud Data in Delphi
DevExpressDataBind Oracle Service Cloud to the DevExpress Data Grid
EF - Code FirstAccess Oracle Service Cloud with Entity Framework 6
EF - LINQLINQ to Oracle Service Cloud
EF - MVCBuild MVC Applications with Connectivity to Oracle Service Cloud
Filemaker ProBidirectional Access to Oracle Service Cloud from FileMaker Pro
Filemaker Pro (on Mac)Bidirectional Access to Oracle Service Cloud from FileMaker Pro (on Mac)
GoWrite a Simple Go Application to work with Oracle Service Cloud on Linux
Google Apps ScriptConnect to Oracle Service Cloud Data in Google Apps Script
HibernateObject-Relational Mapping (ORM) with Oracle Service Cloud Entities in Java
IntelliJConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in IntelliJ
JBossConnect to Oracle Service Cloud from a Connection Pool in JBoss
JDBICreate a Data Access Object for Oracle Service Cloud using JDBI
JRubyConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in JRuby
MendixBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Apps in Mendix
Microsoft Power AppsIntegrate Live Oracle Service Cloud Data into Custom Business Apps Built in Power Apps
NodeJSQuery Oracle Service Cloud Data in Node.js (via Connect Cloud)
NodeJSQuery Oracle Service Cloud through ODBC in Node.js
OutSystemsCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Enterprise Applications in OutSystems
PHPAccess Oracle Service Cloud in PHP through Connect Server
PHPNatively Connect to Oracle Service Cloud in PHP
PowerBuilderConnect to Oracle Service Cloud from PowerBuilder
PowerShellPipe Oracle Service Cloud to CSV in PowerShell
PyCharmUsing the CData ODBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in PyCharm
PythonConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in Python on Linux/UNIX
ReactBuild Dynamic React Apps with Oracle Service Cloud Data
RubyConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in Ruby
RunMyProcessConnect to Oracle Service Cloud Data in RunMyProcess
RunMyProcess DSECConnect to Oracle Service Cloud in DigitalSuite Studio through RunMyProcess DSEC
SAP UI5Integrate Real-Time Access to Oracle Service Cloud in SAPUI5 MVC Apps
ServoyBuild Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Apps in Servoy
Spring BootAccess Live Oracle Service Cloud Data in Spring Boot Apps
SQLAlchemyUse SQLAlchemy ORMs to Access Oracle Service Cloud in Python
TomcatConfigure the CData JDBC Driver for Oracle Service Cloud in a Connection Pool in Tomcat
UnqorkCreate Oracle Service Cloud-Connected Applications in Unqork
VCL App (RAD Studio)Build a Simple VCL Application for Oracle Service Cloud
WebLogicConnect to Oracle Service Cloud from a Connection Pool in WebLogic

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Data Management

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Workflow Automation

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