Replicate QuickBooks Data to Multiple Databases

Replicate QuickBooks data to disparate databases with a single configuration.

Always-on applications rely on automatic failover capabilities and real-time access to data. CData Sync for QuickBooks integrates live QuickBooks data into your mirrored databases, always-on cloud databases, and other databases such as your reporting server: Automatically synchronize with remote QuickBooks data from Windows or any machine running Java.

You can use Sync's command-line interface (CLI) to easily control almost all aspects of the replication. You can use the CLI to replicate QuickBooks data to one or many databases without any need to change your configuration.

About QuickBooks Data Integration

CData simplifies access and integration of live QuickBooks data. Our customers leverage CData connectivity to:

  • Access both local and remote company files.
  • Connect across editions and regions: QuickBooks Premier, Professional, Enterprise, and Simple Start edition 2002+, as well as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and UK editions from 2003+.
  • Use SQL stored procedures to perform actions like voiding or clearing transactions, merging lists, searching entities, and more.

Customers regularly integrate their QuickBooks data with preferred tools, like Power BI, Tableau, or Excel, and integrate QuickBooks data into their database or data warehouse.

Getting Started

Connect to QuickBooks Data

You can save connection strings and other settings like email notifications in XML configuration files.

The following example shows how to replicate to SQLite.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CDataSync><DatabaseType>SQLite</DatabaseType> <DatabaseProvider>System.Data.SQLite</DatabaseProvider> <ConnectionString>URL=http://remotehost:8166;User=admin;Password=admin123;</ConnectionString> <ReplicateAll>False</ReplicateAll> <NotificationUserName></NotificationUserName> <DatabaseConnectionString>Data Source=C:\my.db</DatabaseConnectionString> <TaskSchedulerStartTime>09:51</TaskSchedulerStartTime> <TaskSchedulerInterval>Never</TaskSchedulerInterval> </CDataSync>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <CDataSync><DatabaseType>SQLite</DatabaseType><DatabaseProvider>org.sqlite.JDBC</DatabaseProvider> <ConnectionString>URL=http://remotehost:8166;User=admin;Password=admin123;</ConnectionString> <ReplicateAll>False</ReplicateAll> <NotificationUserName></NotificationUserName> <DatabaseConnectionString>Data Source=C:\my.db</DatabaseConnectionString> </CDataSync>

When you are connecting to a local QuickBooks instance, you do not need to set any connection properties.

Requests are made to QuickBooks through the Remote Connector. The Remote Connector runs on the same machine as QuickBooks and accepts connections through a lightweight, embedded Web server. The server supports SSL/TLS, enabling users to connect securely from remote machines.

The first time you connect, you will need to authorize the Remote Connector with QuickBooks. See the "Getting Started" chapter of the help documentation for a guide.

Configure Replication Queries

Sync enables you to control replication with standard SQL. The REPLICATE statement is a high-level command that caches and maintains a table in your database. You can define any SELECT query supported by the QuickBooks API. The statement below caches and incrementally updates a table of QuickBooks data:

REPLICATE Customers;

You can specify a file containing the replication queries. This enables you to use the same replication queries to replicate to several databases.

Run Sync

After you have configured the connection strings and replication queries, you can run Sync with the following command-line options:


QuickBooksSync.exe -g MySQLiteConfig.xml -f QuickBooksSync.sql


java -Xbootclasspath/p:c:\sqlitejdbc.jar -jar QuickBooksSync.jar -g MySQLiteConfig.xml -f QuickBooksSync.sql

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CData Sync