Connect to Sugar CRM Data in RazorSQL

Connect to Sugar CRM from wizards and query Sugar CRM data from the GUI in the RazorSQL database management tool.

The CData JDBC Driver for Sugar CRM enables standards-based access from third-party tools, from wizards in IDEs to data management and analysis tools. This article shows how to connect to Sugar CRM using wizards in RazorSQL.

Create a JDBC Data Source for Sugar CRM Data

  1. Open the RazorSQL application and, in the Connections menu, select Add Connection Profile -> Other -> JDBC.
  2. In the Connection Wizard that appears, set the following properties:
    • Driver Location: Set this property to the path to the lib subfolder in the installation directory.
    • Driver Class: Set the driver class to cdata.jdbc.sugarcrm.SugarCRMDriver.
    • Username: Enter the username. (This property can also be set in the JDBC URL.)
    • Password: Enter the password. (This property can also be set in the JDBC URL.)
    • JDBC URL: Enter connection parameters. The JDBC URL begins with jdbc:sugarcrm: and is followed by a semicolon-separated list of connection properties.

      The User and Password properties, under the Authentication section, must be set to valid SugarCRM user credentials. This will use the default OAuth token created to allow client logins. OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret are required if you do not wish to use the default OAuth token.

      You can generate a new OAuth consumer key and consumer secret in Admin -> OAuth Keys. Set the OAuthClientId to the OAuth consumer key. Set the OAuthClientSecret to the consumer secret.

      Additionally, specify the URL to the SugarCRM account.

      Note that retrieving SugarCRM metadata can be expensive. It is advised that you store the metadata locally as described in the "Caching Metadata" chapter of the help documentation.

      Built-in Connection String Designer

      For assistance in constructing the JDBC URL, use the connection string designer built into the Sugar CRM JDBC Driver. Either double-click the JAR file or execute the jar file from the command-line.

      java -jar cdata.jdbc.sugarcrm.jar

      Fill in the connection properties and copy the connection string to the clipboard.

      A typical JDBC URL is the following:


Query Sugar CRM Data and Select Tables

After establishing a connection, the wizard will close and the connection will be available in the connections panel. You can then query the tables.

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