Query QuickBooks Time Data through ODBC in Node.js

Use node-odbc to execute SQL queries against QuickBooks Time data from Node.js.

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a browser. With the CData ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Time, you can access live QuickBooks Time data from Node.js apps and scripts. In this article, we walk through installing node-odbc and the required tools to create a simple Node.js app with access to live QuickBooks Time data.

With built-in optimized data processing, the CData ODBC Driver offers unmatched performance for interacting with live QuickBooks Time data in Node.js. When you issue complex SQL queries from Node.js to QuickBooks Time, the driver pushes supported SQL operations, like filters and aggregations, directly to QuickBooks Time and utilizes the embedded SQL engine to process unsupported operations client-side (often SQL functions and JOIN operations).

Connecting to QuickBooks Time Data

If you have not already done so, provide values for the required connection properties in the data source name (DSN). You can use the built-in Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to configure the DSN. This is also the last step of the driver installation. See the "Getting Started" chapter in the help documentation for a guide to using the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure a DSN.

TSheets uses the OAuth2 standard for authentication and authorization. To construct your own OAuth app and connect to data, refer to OAuth section in the Help.

Building node-odbc

In order to connect to QuickBooks Time through the CData ODBC Driver, you need to build node-odbc manually (after installing the required tools).

Installing the Required Tools

The following commands install the tools required to build node-odbc (note the -g parameter, which installs the tools globally).

npm i -g windows-build-tools
npm i -g node-gyp

Building node-odbc

After installing the required tools, create a directory for the Node.js app and install odbc (which builds the binary for us to use in our Node.js script).

mkdir nodeodbc
cd nodeodbc
npm i -g node

Querying QuickBooks Time from Node.js

With the ODBC Driver installed, a DSN Configured, and node-odbc built, we are ready to query live QuickBooks Time data from a Node.js app. The sample code below connects to a specific DSN and queries the Timesheets table.


const odbc = require('odbc');

async function queryTSheets() {
    const connection = await odbc.connect(`DSN=CData TSheets Source`);
    const data = await connection.query('SELECT Id, JobcodeId FROM Timesheets');


Once you write the app, use node to execute the script:

node myscript.js

Download a free, 30-day trial of the CData ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Time and start working with your live QuickBooks Time data in Node.js. Reach out to our Support Team if you have any questions.

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the QuickBooks Time ODBC Driver to get started:

 Download Now

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QuickBooks Time Icon QuickBooks Time ODBC Driver

The QuickBooks Time ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live data from QuickBooks Time, directly from any applications that support ODBC connectivity.

Access QuickBooks Time data like you would a database - read QuickBooks Time Payroll, Timesheets, Schedules, etc. through a standard ODBC Driver interface.