Use the CData ODBC Driver for WooCommerce in SAS JMP

You can use the CData ODBC Driver to integrate WooCommerce data into the statistical analysis tools available in SAS JMP. This article shows how to use WooCommerce data in the Graph Builder and Query Builder.

You can use the CData ODBC Driver for WooCommerce to integrate live data into your statistical analysis with SAS JMP. The driver proxies your queries directly to the WooCommerce API, ensuring that your analysis reflects any changes to the data. The CData ODBC Driver supports the standard SQL used by JMP in the background as you design reports.

The WooCommerce API supports bidirectional access. This article shows how to access WooCommerce data into a report and create data visualization. It also shows how to use SQL to query and manipulate WooCommerce data from the JMP Query Builder.

Access WooCommerce Data as an ODBC Data Source

If you have not already, first specify connection properties in an ODBC DSN (data source name). This is the last step of the driver installation. You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create and configure ODBC DSNs.

WooCommerce supports the following authentication methods: one-legged OAuth1.0 Authentication and standard OAuth2.0 Authentication.

Connecting using one-legged OAuth 1.0 Authentication

Specify the following properties (NOTE: the below credentials are generated from WooCommerce settings page and should not be confused with the credentials generated by using WordPress OAuth2.0 plugin):

  • ConsumerKey
  • ConsumerSecret

Connecting using WordPress OAuth 2.0 Authentication

After having configured the plugin, you may connect to WooCommerce by providing the following connection properties:

  • OAuthClientId
  • OAuthClientSecret
  • CallbackURL
  • InitiateOAuth - Set this to either GETANDREFRESH or REFRESH

In either case, you will need to set the Url property to the URL of the WooCommerce instance.

When you configure the DSN, you may also want to set the Max Rows connection property. This will limit the number of rows returned, which is especially helpful for improving performance when designing reports and visualizations.

Import WooCommerce Data with the Query Builder

After you have created the WooCommerce DSN, you can use SQL to invoke the capabilities of the WooCommerce API. Follow the steps below to execute some supported queries in the Query Builder:

  1. In SAS JMP, click File -> Database -> Query Builder. The Select Database Connection dialog is displayed.
  2. Click New Connection.
  3. On the Machine Data Source tab, select the ODBC DSN you configured and then click Next.
  4. The Select Tables for Query dialog is displayed and in the Available Tables section, select a table and click Primary. After choosing the primary table, click Build Query to open the Query Builder.
  5. As you drag Available Columns to the Included Columns tab, the underlying SQL query is updated and you can view the generated SQL Query in the SQL tab.
  6. Click Run Query to display the data.
  7. To refresh the results with the current data, right-click Update from Database and click Run Script.

Manipulate WooCommerce Data

You can execute data manipulation queries from JSL scripts such as the one below. To execute a script, click New Script in the toolbar. To connect, specify the DSN. You can then use the standard SQL syntax:

Open Database( "DSN=CData WooCommerce Source;", "INSERT INTO Orders (ParentId) VALUES ('3');");

Visualize WooCommerce Data

After importing, you can use the Graph Builder to create graphs visually. To open the Graph Builder, click the Graph Builder button in the toolbar.

  1. Drag a dimension column onto the x axis. For example, ParentId.
  2. Drag a measure column onto the y axis. For example, Total.
  3. Select a chart type. For example, a bar chart.

Ready to get started?

Download a free trial of the WooCommerce ODBC Driver to get started:

 Download Now

Learn more:

WooCommerce Icon WooCommerce ODBC Driver

The WooCommerce ODBC Driver is a powerful tool that allows you to connect with live data from WooCommerce, directly from any applications that support ODBC connectivity.

Access WooCommerce data like you would a database - read, write, and update WooCommerce Customers, Products, Orders, Transactions, etc. through a standard ODBC Driver interface.