
Data Pipelines for the Modern Business

Data Pipelines for the Modern Business

Businesses are evolving faster than ever. Modern data integration solutions bridge the divide between on-premises and cloud systems to help your business effectively respond to your teams’ changing data needs and move your organization into the future.

Modern data pipelines are built to move any data across your business – regardless of its location, destination, or format – for use by line-of-business users. This allows everyone across your organization to access, understand, and analyze their data wherever it lives.

Is Your Data Able to Bridge the On-Prem/Cloud Divide?

While approximately 91% of businesses use a public cloud, only 25% of businesses use the cloud exclusively. This leaves a significant majority of businesses to face a divide in their data ecosystem. Managing a hybrid data strategy is often challenging without the right tools.

Download the eBook to discover how to find the right data integration solution using three guiding criteria:

  1. Find user-friendly tools to enable business users to connect their data and reduce IT roadblocks.
  2. Seek breadth of connectivity to ensure your data pipeline solution can scale as rapidly as your business.
  3. Seek a simplified pricing model to reduce budget headaches.


Download the eBook today.