Application Integration

Application integration is the process of enabling independently designed applications, systems, or software to work together. The goal is to create a seamless flow of information and functionality across different software applications, which might otherwise operate in isolation. This integration allows for more efficient processes, better data consistency, and improved user experiences.

In practice, application integration involves connecting various business applications to synchronize data and coordinate functions. For example, it could mean linking a customer relationship management (CRM) system with an email marketing platform to streamline communication or connecting an e-commerce website with an inventory management system to ensure items don't run out of stock. 

There are several methods and technologies used for application integration, including middleware solutions, application programming interfaces (APIs), and web services. These tools help to bridge gaps between different software languages, protocols, and data formats, enabling them to communicate and function as part of a cohesive system.

Application integration is important in modern business environments where different software tools are often used for separate functions. It helps to automate and optimize business processes, reducing the need for manual data entry and providing a unified view of data across different business functions. This leads to more informed decision-making, increased productivity, and the ability to respond more rapidly to market changes. 

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