Document Processing

Document processing is the method of handling and organizing documents in both digital and physical formats. It involves various steps such as capturing, sorting, extracting information, and storing documents efficiently. In a digital context, this often means scanning physical documents to convert them into digital files, and then using software to categorize and store these files in an organized manner.

A key part of document processing is extracting relevant information from these documents. This could involve identifying and collecting specific data like names, dates, or numbers from forms, invoices, or letters. Modern document processing often uses technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read and convert text from scanned images into editable and searchable text.

Once the data is extracted, it's typically stored in a database or a document management system, making it easier to search, access, and use for various purposes. This process is crucial in many business and administrative contexts, helping organizations maintain organized records, enhance accessibility, and improve efficiency in handling large volumes of documents. 

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