Change Data Capture

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique used to automatically identify and capture changes made to the data in a database. Instead of processing or transferring the entire database, CDC focuses only on the data that has been altered, such as new entries, updates, or deletions.

Change data capture (CDC) is a method used in computing to automatically identify and 'capture' changes made to the data in a database. CDC processes only deal with the most recent changes, making it easier and quicker to keep data synchronized across different systems or to update data warehouses and reporting tools with the latest information. CDC helps maintain an up-to-date copy of data in different locations or applications without the need to transfer the entire database every time a change occurs.

When data in a source database changes, CDC mechanisms detect these changes in real-time or near real-time. The changes could include adding, updating, or deleting any part of the information. Once detected, these changes are captured and then transferred to a target system or database.This target could be a data warehouse, a data lake, or another operational database.

The advantage of using CDC is its efficiency and reduced load on network and system resources. Traditional methods that involve copying entire databases for synchronization purposes can be resource-intensive and slow. CDC, by focusing only on the changed data, minimizes the amount of data transferred, thus speeding up the process and reducing bandwidth usage.

CDC is particularly useful in scenarios where timely data updates are crucial. For example, in business intelligence and analytics, having access to the most recent data can lead to more accurate insights and decision-making. Similarly, in data replication scenarios, CDC ensures that backup databases or distributed systems remain current with minimal latency.

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