Analyze SAP Business One Data in Infragistics Reveal

Use CData Connect Cloud to create on OData API on top of SAP Business One data and visualize live SAP Business One data in Infragistics Reveal.

Reveal, an offering from Infragistics, serves as a data visualization tool that seamlessly integrates with CData Connect Cloud. Together, they empower users to deliver dynamic dashboards using real-time data from a diverse range of data sources, including SAP Business One data. In this article, we will guide you through the process of connecting to SAP Business One via Connect Cloud and subsequently linking Connect Cloud with Infragistics Reveal to construct a straightforward dashboard.

Connect to SAP Business One from Infragistics Reveal

To work with live SAP Business One data in Infragistics Reveal, we need to connect to SAP Business One from Connect Cloud, provide user access to the connection, and create OData endpoints for the SAP Business One data.

(Optional) Add a New Connect Cloud User

As needed, create Users to connect to SAP Business One through Connect Cloud.

  1. Navigate to the Users page and click Invite Users
  2. Enter the new user's email address and click Send to invite the user
  3. You can review and edit users from the Users page

Add a Personal Access Token

If you are connecting from a service, application, platform, or framework that does not support OAuth authentication, you can create a Personal Access Token (PAT) to use for authentication. Best practices would dictate that you create a separate PAT for each service, to maintain granularity of access.

  1. Click on your username at the top right of the Connect Cloud app and click User Profile.
  2. Oa the User Profile page, scroll down to the Personal Access Tokens section and click Create PAT.
  3. Give your PAT a name and click Create.
  4. The personal access token is only visible at creation, so be sure to copy it and store it securely for future use.

Connect to SAP Business One from Connect Cloud

CData Connect Cloud uses a straightforward, point-and-click interface to connect to data sources.

  1. Log into Connect Cloud, click Connections and click Add Connection
  2. Select "SAP Business One" from the Add Connection panel
  3. Enter the necessary authentication properties to connect to SAP Business One.

    To authenticate to SAP Business One you must provide the Userand Passwordproperties.

    To connect to data, specify Url. This is your SAP Business One Service Layer root URL.

  4. Click Create & Test
  5. Navigate to the Permissions tab in the Add SAP Business One Connection page and update the User-based permissions.

Configure SAP Business One Endpoints for Infragistics Reveal

After connecting to SAP Business One, create a workspace and virtual dataset for your desired table(s).

  1. Navigate to the Virtual Datasets page and click Add to create a new Workspace (or select an existing workspace).
  2. Click Add to add new assets to the Workspace.
  3. Select the SAP Business One connection (e.g. SAPBusinessOne1) and click Next.
  4. Select the table(s) you wish to work with and click Confirm.
  5. Make note of the OData Service URL for your workspace, e.g.{workspace_name}

With the connection and Workspace configured, you are ready to connect to SAP Business One data from Infragistics Reveal.

Create a Dashboard in Reveal

With Connect Cloud configured, we can visualize SAP Business One data in Reveal.

  1. Log into Reveal and click Dashboards -> New
  2. Click Data Sources -> OData Feed
  3. Specify the Connect Cloud OData API endpoint URL (found on the OData page):{workspace_name}
  4. Select Generic Credentials and
    • Set Username to a Connect Cloud username (e.g. [email protected])
    • Set Password to the PAT for the user
  5. Select the entity you wish to visualize
  6. Select fields and choose a chart type

More Information & Free Trial

At this point, you have created a simple dashboard from live SAP Business One data. For more information on creating OData feeds from SAP Business One (and more than 100 other sources), visit the Connect Cloud page. Sign up for a free trial and start working live SAP Business One data in tools that consume OData APIs.

Ready to get started?

Learn more about CData Connect Cloud or sign up for free trial access:

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