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A Performance Comparison of Drivers for Azure Cosmos DB

An article comparing the read performance of CData Software Drivers for MongoDB with the C# and .NET MongoDB Driver and the native ODBC Driver.

A Performance Comparison of Drivers for

An article comparing the read performance of CData Software Drivers for Salesforce with comparable drivers by other vendors.

REST Easy with CData Drivers

Our Drivers offer unmatched utility in connecting to and integrating with REST resources as databases.

A Performance Comparison of Drivers for NoSQL

An article comparing the read performance of CData Software Drivers for MongoDB.

Displaying Data from Related Tables Using Angular with the API Server

Use the API Server and Angular to build a Web App to dynamically display related tables.

SQL Gateway Overview

A detailed overview of the SQL Gateway, its function, and its features.

SQL Gateway SSH Tunneling Capabilities

Configure the SSH Tunnel on the SQL Gateway to create a reverse SSH tunnel to a publicly accessible SSH host.

Connecting to ODBC Data Sources in Google Apps Script

This article shows how to use the SQL Gateway to access ODBC data sources from Google Apps Script.

Connecting to Any ODBC Data Source as a Linked Server

Use the TDS Remoting feature of the SQL Gateway to set up a linked server for any CData ODBC data source.

SQL Gateway: Superior SQL Linked Server Integration through SQL TDS

Using a TDS remoting service is superior to the OLE DB Provider when working with ODBC data in SQL Server.