Tag: Integration

CData Blog

May 01, 2023

Introducing CData Arc 2023: Enterprise-Level Visibility and Monitoring Features

by Matt Springfield

Introducing the latest version of CData Arc 2023! This release focuses on visibility, monitoring, and analysis of B2B transactions to ensure that Arc provides an excellent experience both during and after your workflows are built.

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April 24, 2023

How to Communicate with EUDAMED and Comply with New EU Regulations

by Matt Springfield

Communicating with the European Database on Medical Devices, or EUDAMED, via EU member states becomes much easier once your organization supports AS4 communication. Discover how CData Arc can help you easily set up AS4 communications to comply with EUDAMED regulations.

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Hybrid Cloud with CData Sync
April 10, 2023

Build & Maintain Your Hybrid Cloud with CData Sync

by Jerod Johnson

Replicating your on-premises or private data to a cloud storage system takes three basic steps: connecting to the data source, connecting to the data destination, and configuring the replication job. In this article, we'll show how to use CData Sync to set up and maintain a hybrid cloud data storage system.

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Hybrid Cloud Strategy
April 06, 2023

7 Steps to Creating a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

by Deb Cobb

Creating a hybrid cloud strategy is no easy endeavor. Because hybrid clouds mix and share resources and services from two or more computing environments, they rely on integration and orchestration capabilities to coordinate data movement, sharing, and synchronization. Formulating a plan for your hybrid cloud is critical for a successful implementation.

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April 03, 2023

SingleStore and CData are Helping Clients Find New Insights into Company Data

by CData Software

Technology partnerships like SingleStore and CData allow our shared customers to get the most out of their data and to concentrate on how to best apply new insights and stay ahead in this rapidly evolving business landscape.

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Value of Hybrid Cloud
March 29, 2023

What is the Value of Hybrid Cloud?

by Deb Cobb

Modern data stacks present options for companies to design a best-fit hybrid technology ecosystem using a hand-selected mix of tools that meet their needs today while building in the scalability necessary to achieve their goals in the future.

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Hybrid Cloud Adoption
March 21, 2023

Hybrid Cloud Adoption Delivers Key Business Benefits

by Deb Cobb

A hybrid cloud approach could be a flexible, secure solution to solve your organization's data challenges. When businesses implement a hybrid cloud properly, they can improve business agility, performance, operational resilience, and security.

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March 16, 2023

How to Communicate with CESOP and Comply with New EU Regulations

by Matt Springfield

If your business provides payment services across European borders, you need to know how to communicate with the Central Electronic System of Payment information, or CESOP. This includes banks, electronic money institutions, and other regulated payment institutions.

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March 09, 2023

Free Webinar: Integrate Your Enterprise Data with Databricks & CData Sync

by CData Software

CData Sync, a powerful, modern data integration tool allows Databricks users to easily connect their CRM, ERP, accounting, marketing, and other systems with Databricks to consolidate and leverage your data, your way.

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