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Launch the CData Connect AMI on Amazon Web Services

Host the Java edition of CData Connect on Amazon Web Services using the CData Connect Amazon Machine Instance.

Configuring Clustering for CData Sync

Configure CData Sync to use the built-in high-availability and failover features across several clustered instances.

CData Connect: Derived Views and Query Federation

Explore the Derived Views and Query Federation features of CData Connect.

CData Connect: Custom Schemas

Explore the Custom Schemas feature of CData Connect.

CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce Deployment Guide

A detailed deployment and usage guide for the CData AWS Glue Connector for Salesforce

A Comparison of Database Drivers for SQL Server

A performance comparison of the CData JDBC Driver for SQL Server and the native JDBC Driver for SQL Server (updated May 2020)

A Comparison of Database Drivers for MySQL

A performance comparison of the CData JDBC & ODBC Drivers for MySQL and the native MySQL Connector/J & Connector/ODBC (updated May 2020)

Connect to MySQL through SSH Using the Built-In Client

A detailed overview of the SQL Gateway, its function, and its features.

Configuring the CData Query Federation Driver

A guide on configuring the CData Query Federation Driver, a connectivity solution that allows for cross-source querying of SaaS, Big Data, and NoSQL sources.

Configure the CData Connect Partner Connector for Looker Studio

Use the CData Connect Partner Connector to connect to your CData Connect Cloud instance from Looker Studio.